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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2008 str. 43     <-- 43 -->        PDF

A. Frković: JOSIP ETTINGER – PRVI HRVATSKI ZOOLOG Šumarski list br. 7–8, CXXXII (2008), 355-361
SUMMARY: On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the death of
Josip Ettinger (Nova Gradiška, 20 November 1801 – Zagreb, 4 February
1908), the article presents the life and work of this forestry expert and publicist,
one the first Croatian zoologists, dendrologists and ornithologists. After
completing the study of forestry in Mariabrunn, he spent most of his working
life in Srijem and the Bjelovar-Križevci region, where he investigated the
authentic flora and fauna of the area and collected material for the Country
Zoological Museum in Zagreb and the dendrological collection of the
Croatian-Slavonian Forestry Association. His special interest involved the
bird world of Obedska Bara. His work “Der Syrmische Sumpf Obedska Bara
und seine Vogelwelt” (Vienna 1857) attracted the interest of foreign and home
ornithologists in this birds´ reserve. In his first book from the field of game
management, “Sriemsko-slavonsko-hrvatske divlje životine, zvieri i ptice”
(The Srijem-Slavonian-Croatian Wild Animals, Beasts and Birds) he complemented
the Latin names of the described animals with their Croatian equivalents.
The JAZU (Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts) published the work
dealing with the forms of the genus Quercus, which he produced in cooperation
with Ljudevit Vukotinovic. After his retirement in Zagreb, he became
highly active in science and publishing. With the support of the Croatian-
Slavonian Forestry Association, he published several books and manuals
from the field of forestry and hunting. This article deals particularly with the
following works: Hrvatski lovdžija (The Croatian Hunter), The Registry of
Authors and Articles published in the Forestry Journal and the Croatian
Forestry Lexicon.

Key words: Josip Ettinger, Obedska Bara, ornithology, oaks in the

Bjelovar County, common namesof of animals