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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2008 str. 49     <-- 49 -->        PDF

Ž. Španjol, K. Biljaković, R. Rosavec, D. Dominko, D. Barčić, D. Starešinić: ŠUMSKI POŽARI I FIZIKALNI ... Šumarski list br. 5–6, CXXXII (2008), 259-267

Vučetić, M., Ž. Španjol, D. Barčić 2002: Pri- znanstvenog i stručnog savjetovanja “Sigurnost

rodna obilježja i potencijalna opasnost od šum- u okolišu i graditeljstvu”, Šibenik.

skih požara. Zbornik radova s međunarodnog,

SUMMARY: Croatia is relatively rich in forests; forested areas account for
36 % of the total territory of the country. However, forest fires occurring in the
Adriatic region of Croatia are a serious threat to natural resources, since they
decrease biological diversity and exert a negative impact on landscape variety.
The complexity of the problem requires the involvement of a number of scientific
fields, such as forestry, geology, biology, meteorology and physics.

Physics is known to successfully detect some basic principles of occurrence
and activity in the material world, which has a broad scope of uses beyond
the boundaries of physics alone. Physics, in cooperation with other scientific
disciplines, discovers and investigates ways and patterns in which complexities
are manifested, thus opening the door to an array of applications. “Correlations
in Complex Systems: from Physics to Biotechnology” is the title of
an interdisciplinary program financed by the Ministry of Science, Education
and Sport, which, among others, integrates scientific approaches of physics
and forestry to the study of forest fires.

This paper provides some concepts of forest fires that are specific for each
scientific discipline. It also explores the possibilities of their interaction and
the importance of an interdisciplinary approach to the solution of vital issues
concerning forest fires and their prevention

cerning forest fires and their prevention.
K e y w ord s : fire, complexity, the Adriatic region, physics, forestry