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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2008 str. 12     <-- 12 -->        PDF

M. Idžojtić, M. Glavaš, M. Zebec, R. Pernar, Ž. Kušan, Đ. List, M. Grahovac-Tremski: INTENZITET ZARAZE ... Šumarski list br. 3–4, CXXXII (2008), 107-114
ment of forest decline in fir stands. International STATSOFT, INC. 2004: STATISTICA (data analysis
Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sen- software system), version 7.
sing Symposium. In: Heipke C., K. Jacobsen & Zebec, M., M. Idžojtić 2006: Hosts and distribu-

M. Gerke (ed.): High resolution Earth Imaging tion of yellow mistletoe, Loranthus europaeus
for Geospatial Information; Vol. XXXVI, part Jacq. in Croatia. Hladnikia 19: 41–46.
I/W3, Hannover 17. – 20. 05. 2005., Germany.
SUMMARY: The intensity of infection of different hosts with yellow mistletoe
(Loranthus europaeus Jacq.) and white-berried mistletoe (Viscum album

L. ssp. album) was carried out in the area administered by Hrvatske šume
d.o.o. (Croatian Forests Co.Ltd.), in the area of 10 forest offices of the Forest
Administration Zagreb and 5 forest offices of the Forest Administration Koprivnica.
The investigated hosts were: sessile oak (Quercus petraea /Matt./
Liebl.), pedunculate oak (Q. robur L.), narrow-leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia
Vahl), common locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.), sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus
L.) and black alder (Alnus glutinosa /L./ Gaertn.). In the selected
subcompartments older than 30 years, through a diagonal survey the number
of infected and non-infected trees, as well as the number of mistletoe plants
on infected trees was registered. The intensity of infection was very different
in the individual compartments, management units and forest offices. The
spatial distribution of the intensity of infection of the sessile and pedunculate
oaks with yellow mistletoe in three management units was shown.
In the area of the Forest Administration Zagreb from the total number of
examined sessile oak trees 14.2 % were infected with yellow mistletoe. On the
average on each of the infected trees there were 2 mistletoe plants, and the largest
number on one tree was 18. The largest infection was noted in the Management
Unit Zlatarske prigorske šume, of the Forest Office Zlatar (23.9 %). In
the area of the Forest Administration Koprivnica 7.8 % of the examined sessile
oak trees were infected with yellow mistletoe. On the infected trees there were
3 mistletoe plants on the average, and the largest number of plants on one
tree was 11. In the Management Unit Kalnik-Kolačka, of the Forest Office
Križevci, there was the largest infestation (9.7 %).

In the area of the Forest Administration Zagreb, yellow mistletoe was observed
on 9.2 % of the examined pedunculate oak trees. On the infected trees there
were 2 mistletoe plants on the average, and the highest number of plants on one
tree was 12. The largest infestation was found in the Management Unit Obreški
lug, of the Forest Office Remetinec, where 16.8 % of the examined trees were
infected. Yellow mistletoe was present on 11.9 % of the examined pedunculate
oak trees in the area of the Forest Administration Koprivnica. On the average 4
mistletoe plants were growing on the infected trees, and the maximum number
of plants counted on one tree was 20. The most infected management unit was
Križevačke prigorske šume, of the Forest office Križevci, 22.3 %.

For the sessile oak a data base of stand and habitat parameters was made
out of the management facts (elevation, site quality, exposure, age and crown
closure). The data were analyzed in order to establish whether there is a correlation
between the mentioned parameters and the intensity of yellow mistletoe

Out of the total number of examined narrow-leaved ash trees in the area of
Forest Administration Zagreb (Forest Offices Lipovljani and Kutina), 3.5 %,
were infected with white-berried mistletoe, with an average of 3 mistletoe
plants per infected tree; the largest number of plants per tree was 47.

K e y w o rd s : yellow mistletoe, white-berried mistletoe, pedunculate oak,
sessile oak, narrow-leaved ash, Croatian Forests Co.Ltd., intensity of infection