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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2007 str. 72     <-- 72 -->        PDF

Đ. Nikolandić, D. Degmečić: PRIRAST KOD EUROPSKE SRNE (Capreolus capreolus, L.) U ŠUMAMA ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXXI (2007), 565-574

in greater distances and during movement of roe deer it often cannot be
differentiated between genders of the roe deer kids and therefore the number
of female kids which will be counted into the female part of the base
fund of roe deer population in the new hunting year, cannot be accurately
determined. If we do not know the exact number of female kids, than we
cannot know how many two year old there will be, i.e. roe deer does which
will not have young this year, but the next. Tracking the growth of recruitment
rate of roe deer from fawning season (May – June) till the beginning
of hunting season (October), observing and searching the fawning territory
before mowing of the clover-patches and meadows is useful for prevention
of game damage and for recording of the causes of loss of newborn
fawns (rainy and cold weather, predators, etc.). Finally, for the above
mentioned reasons, we believe that only the process of recording the number
of roe deer kids in autumn, before the hunting season (September,
October) can give us accurate data on the real recruitment rate based on
which we can make corrections in the recruitment rate of roe deer kids and
the changes in the scope and structure of the yearly culling plan.
Ke y wo rd s : Baranja, fertility, embryo, planned recruitment rate, real
recruitment rate, number of kids, mortality, number of adult roe deer does