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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2007 str. 44     <-- 44 -->        PDF

A sample plot was established by Academician Milan Anić, PhD, in a
beech and fir stand (Abieti-Fagetum illyricum, Horv. 38) in “Čorkova
Uvala” virgin forest in 1957. This is the oldest sample site in Croatia, which
allows successive monitoring of the structure and dynamics of virgin forest
development. Figure 12 shows a projection of standing and lying dead trees.

The 1 ha sample plot was established in the shape of a square with sides of
100 m in length. The plot is divided into one hundred 10 m x 10 m squares
drawn into the map. These squares serve as the basic unit for monitoring
details in the sample plot, such as terrain stoniness, tree arrangement, contour
lines at one meter height difference, naturally selected trees, and others.
In the process of measuring breast diameters and heights, each tree was numbered.
The crown shape was defined with four mutually vertical radii, while
the eccentricity direction was marked separately.

The recorded data were subsequently processed using standard methods.
The results were presented in tabular and graphic form. The picture of the
stand was graphically presented with a horizontal projection and the profile
(A n i ć , M., 1965, P rp i ć , B., 1979).

In order to obtain a realistic picture of the stand that would visually resemble
its original appearance, the stand in this paper was presented from a
bird’s eye perspective, from the above and slightly to the right. The third
dimension was also introduced. Tree arrangement, the relationship among
the crowns, crown layers – all these elements are much more realistic if presented
in this type of perspective. Tree heights were retained in the same scale
in order to allow for comparisons and reading of concrete heights.

In this work, the subject stand was shown with ten profiles using the technique
mentioned above. The surface area of each profile is 10 m x 100 m. The
position of the profiles in the sample plot is given in Figure 1. Each profile is
accompanied with its respective horizontal projection, Figures 2 – 11. Projection
of dead trees in a sample plot in the beech and fir virgin forest of “Čorkova
Uvala”, Figure 12.

The integrated profiles resulted in a clear picture from a bird’s eye perspective
of the whole stand situated in the sample plot in “Čorkova Uvala”
virgin forest, Figure 13.

The individual profiles and the total picture are in fact graphs of the stand
in the sample plot with precisely defined coordinates and dimensions of even
the smallest tree. There were 769 big and small trees in all.

The presentation of structural relations among the trees in the sample plot
in “Čorkova Uvala” virgin forest is from 1957. The present condition will be
obtained from this year’s measurements, which will be performed thanks to
continuous research activities by the Department of Forest Ecology and
Silviculture of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb.