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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2007 str. 33     <-- 33 -->        PDF

D. Degmečić V. Jumić: ANALIZA MORFOMETRIJSKIH KARAKTERISTIKA ROGOVLJA I NETO . Šumarski list br. 7–8, CXXXI (2007), 333-344
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SUMMARY: This paper presents the analysis of morphometrical parameters
of antlers and body weight for the species of red deer (Cervus elaphus, L.)
in the game preserve “Podunavlje – Podravlje XIV/9”. The parameters of the
CIC formula for evaluation of deer antlers which were analysed in detail are
based exclusively on measurement or counting. That way we tried to avoid the
more subjective parts of the CIC formula (points for beauty). The following
parameters were measured: net weight, trophy weight, length of antler branch,
crown perimeter, first tine length, third tine length, perimeter between first and
middle tine, perimeter between third tine and crown, number of tines and value
in CIC points.

The data is grouped into the following age classes: males up to one year of
age, males between one and two years of age, males between three and five
years of age, males between five and eight years of age, males of nine years of
age and older. The obtained results enabled the definition of a minimum, maximum
and average value for each parameter. The obtained results can be used
as indicatives for further breeding and selection measures in the population of
this game preserve.

Key words: Red deer, Podunavlje – Podravlje, morphometrics of antlers,
body weight, CIC, selection, breeding measures.