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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2007 str. 21 <-- 21 --> PDF |
R. Pernar, A. Seletković, M. Ančić: UTVRĐIVANJE OŠTEĆENOSTI ŠUMA SPAČVANSKOG BAZENA ... Šumarski list br. 7–8, CXXXI (2007), 315-332 Waldschadens Inventur. Allgemeine Forstzeit- crvenim kolornim (ICK) aerosnimkama. Glas. scrift, 27: 687–689. šum. pokuse, 31: 1–34. P e lz , E. & G. R i e d e l , 1973: Erste praktische S e l e t ko v ić , I., P o t o č i ć , N., 2004: Oštećenost Grossanwendung von Falschfarben-Luftbildern šuma u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 1999. do 2003. bei der Zustander Forsteinrichtung in einem Ge- godine. Šum. list, 137 (3–4). biet mit akuten und chronischen Rauchschäden Voss, H., 1989: Untersuchung und Kartierung von an Kiefer. Beitrage für die Forstwirtschaft, 4: Waldschäden mit Methoden der Fernerkundung. 158–161. Abschlussdokumentation, DLR, Teil A, Oberpfa- P e rna r, R., 1994: Način i pouzdanost određivanja ffenhofen, 244 p. oštećenosti hrasta lužnjaka (Q. robur L.) na infra- SUMMARY: Photointerpretation of colour infrared aerial photographs (CIR) provides reliable statistical data on forest damage. Inventorying forest damage with aerial photographs is based on the assessment of the extent of damage to particular trees (crowns) recorded in aerial photographs. A precondition for the achievement of such results is a good quality photointerpretation key. A photointerpretation key was made for the principal tree species (oak, ash) based on the method of mirroring tree species and damage indicators. Damage indicators (damage-O, mean damage-SO, damage index-IO, mean damage1-SO1) were also calculated for each tree species, for all the interpreted species together, per surveying stripes, for management units, and for the entire area of the Spačva basin (Forest Administration Vinkovci). CIR aerial photographs were interpreted to obtain the status of forest stands in the surveyed area. For the whole study area (5,575 ha), a total of 17,439 trees were interpreted on the basis of a systematic 100 x 100 m sample. Mean damage (SO) for all tree species was found to be 26.18 %, for pedunculate oak 31.80 % and for ash 17.93 %. It may be concluded that the degree of damage of inventoried forests is between low and medium. The considerable damage index (IO) of 45.27 % for pedunculate oak in the Spačva basin means that the said percentage of pedunculate oak in the surveyed area is damaged by more than 25 %. In the entire surveyed area considerable ash damage amounts to 26.15 %. CIR aerial photographs were interpreted in order to assess the condition of forest stands in the study area. Aerial photographs are a lasting document of forest stand condition. In aerial photographs observations may be repeated, checked, updated and continued at any given moment Key words: colour infrared aerial (CIR) photographs, photointerpretation key, digital orthophoto (DOP), forest damage, Spačva basin. |