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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2007 str. 62     <-- 62 -->        PDF

I. Trinajstić: O PROBLEMU MEĐUSOBNOG RAZLIKOVANJA HRASTOVA Quercus pubescens Willd. ... Šumarski list br. 1–2, CXXXI (2007), 57-60
Trinajstić, I., 2005b: Taksonomska problematika robur L.). Zbornik radova Josip Kozarac knjidrvenastih
vrsta poplavnih i močvarnih šuma. U ževnik i šumar. Jugosl. Akad. Centar za Zn. rad

J. Vukelić (ur.): Poplavne šume u Hrvatskoj: Vinkovci: 93–100.
Vid ak o vi ć , M., Tr in aj s t i ć , I., 1988: Varijabilnost
i oplemenjivanje hrasta lužnjaka (Querecus

SUMMARY: In the work the morphological differences between the related
downy hairy oaks Quercus pubescens and Q. virgiliana are analyzed.
They occupy large areas especially in the Adriatic littoral of the Republic of
Croatia, but they develop sporadically in its hinterland, too. The said oaks
can be differentiated from each other by the morphology of their leaf, cupule
and bark, by the arrangement of flowers on a short fruit shoot as well as by
the appearance of their cupule.

Q. pubescens has a leaf with 4–6 pairs of lateral lobes, and the petiole is
1–2 cm, maximum 3 cm, long. Its bark at the trunk base is shallowly longitudinally
furrowed. All female flowers of the short, fruit shoot are sitting, placed
terminally. All ripe acorns are sitting, placed terminally. The cupule covered
with small, triangular scales arranged like tiles on a roof is smooth in appearance.
Q. virgiliana has a leaf with 3–4 (-5) pairs of lateral lobes, and the petiole
is more than 3 cm long. Its bark at the trunk base is deeply furrowed, on the
cross cut like a cogwheel. The female flowers are arranged on a more or less
long rachis, not longer than 10 cm, in the form of an ear, and the ears can be
arranged both terminally and laterally in leaf axils. In the ear there are often
clusters of several flowers. One or several ripe acorns are on a more or less
long stalk, usually 1–2 cm long. At the top or sidewise on the cupule the remnant
of the rachis can often be noticed in the form of a curved, dry extension.
The cupule scales are verrucously swollen or protuberated, making the entire
cupule verrucously wrinkled.
In case of any deviation from the above parameters, as a rule the hybrids
are involved.