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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2006 str. 37     <-- 37 -->        PDF

I. Grbac, R. Ojurović: PRIMJENA NANOTEHNOLOGIJE U INDUSTRIJAMA BAZIRANIM NA . Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXX (2006), 411-420
taciju. Tehnike priprave površine na površinu mogu djelovati
čitavim nizom mehanizama oštećivanja: mehaničko,
toplinsko, kemijsko ili njihovom kombinacijom.
Ponašanje oštećene površine na nanoindentaciju bit će
različito od neoštećene površine.

Naša sposobnost razumijevanja određene pojave
usko je povezana s našim tehnikama vrednovanja. Nanoindentacija
omogućava mjerenje mehaničkih svojstava
na submikronskoj razini, što se ne može postići drugim
analitičkim tehnikama. Zbog toga uporaba nanoindentacije
za proizvode industrija baziranih na sektoru

Gindl, W., H. S. Gupta, 2002: “Cell-wall hardnes
and Young’s modulus of melamine-modified
spruce wood by nano-indentation”, Composites
Part A 33(8): 1141–1145.
Gindl, W., H. S. Gupta, C. Grünwald, 2002:
“Lignification of spruce tracheid secondary cell
walls related to longitundinal hardness and modulud
of elasticity using nanoindentation” Can.

J. Bot 80(10): 1029–1033.
Gindl, W., T. Schöberl, 2004: “The significance of
the elastic modulus of wood, cell walls obtained
from nanoindentation measurements”, Composites
Part A 35(12): 1345–1349.
Gindl, W., T. Schöberl, G. Jeronimidis, 2004:
“The interphase in phenol-formaldehyde and
polymeric methylene diphenyldi-isocyanate glue
lines in wood”, Inter. J. Adhesion and Adhesives
24(4): 279–286.
Grbac, I., 2005: “The Development of Wood Industry
in Croatia”, Conference on “The future of the
furniture industry in an enlarged Europe“, Brussels:
Grbac, I., 2006: “Sustainable Development of Industrial
Wood Processing of the Republic of Croatia”,
“Forestry and Industrial Wood Processing-
The Republic of Croatia in the 21 Century”, In-
nova Wood General Assembly, Roma: 1–4.
Grbac, I.,. 2006: “Development Scenario for Forest
Products Industries”, International Conference
on Nanotechnology, Atlanta: 1–2.

šumarstva ima ogroman potencijal. Kada se koristi paralelno
s drugim analitičkim tehnikama, nanoindentacija
će omogućiti potpunije razumijevanje određene pojave i
tako otvoriti nove puteve istraživanja i razvoja u optimizaciji
određenog svojstva. Navedeni primjeri stalnog istraživanja
u području nanoindentacije tek su mali dio
ukupne slike istraživanja i razvoja u području nanotehnologije.
Partnerstvo između industrije, sveučilišta i
Vlade mogu pokretati daljnja istraživanja, a nove su primjene
na vidiku.

– References
Gr b a c , I., R. O j ur o v ić , 2006: Budućnost drvne industrije
u proširenoj Europi, Ministarstvo poljoprivrede,
šumarstva i vodnoga gospodarstva, Zagreb:
270 pp.
Miroy, F., P. Eymard, A. Pizzi, 1995: “Wood hardening
by methoxymethyl melamine”, Holz als
Roh-Werkstoff 53(4): 276 pp.
Moon, R. J., R. Frihart, T. Wegner, 2006: “Nanotechnology
applications in the FPI”, Journal “Forest
Products”, Vol.56. No.5, The natural resource
for the Forest products industry, Atlanta: 7 pp.
Wimmer, R., B. N. Lucas, 1997: “Comparing mechanical
properties of secondary wall and cell
corner middle lamella in spruce wood”, IAWA J.

18(1): 77

Wimmer, R., T. Y. Tsui, W. C. Oliver, 1997:
“Longitudinal hardness and Young’s modulud of
spruce tracheids secondary walls using nanointentation
technique”, Wood Sci. Tech. 31(2):

*** Technology Platform initiative by the European
Forest-based Sector-Vision 2030, (2005)

*** NSET, National Science, Engineering and Technology,
a subcommittee of the Nacional Science
and Technology Council, 2000.

SUMMARY: Nanotehnology is the study and engineering of matter at the
dimensions of 1 to 100 nanometers, where the physical chemical, or biological
properties are fundamentally different from those of the bulk material. By
expanding our understanding and control of matter at such levels, new ave


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nues in produc
producproduct developmen
developmendevelopment can b
bbe opened
openedopened. Continued R&D on forest pro

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ducts is essentia
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producproduct propert
yy improvement that will meet future ne

eds and provide products at reasonable costs. Nanotehnology R&D is criti