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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2006 str. 27     <-- 27 -->        PDF

M. Idžojtić, M. Glavaš, M. Zebec, R. Pernar, P. Beuk & I. Prgić: INTENZITET ZARAZE ŽUTOM I BIJELOM ...
In the area of the Forest Administration Vinkovci from the total number of
examined pedunculate oak trees 7.6 % were infected with yellow mistletoe.
On the average on each of the infected trees there were 2.5 mistletoe plants,
and the largest number on one tree was 17. The largest infection was noted in
the Management Unit Vrapčana, of the Forest Office Vinkovci (20.1 %). In the
area of the Forest Administration Nova Gradiška 10.5 % of the examined pedunculate
oak trees were infected with yellow mistletoe. On the infected trees
there were 2 mistletoe plants on the average, and the largest number of plants
on one tree was 9. In the Management Unit Glovac-Renovica, of the Forest
Office Trnjani, there was considerably more infestation than in other management
units (35.5 %). For the Forest Administration Vinkovci the spacial
distribution of mistletoe infestation intensity of the pedunculate oak in six
most infested management units was presented. Compared with previous research,
the intensity of mistletoe infestation of the pedunculate oak is greater
in the area of the Forest Administration Vinkovci and Nova Gradiška than in
the Forest Administration Bjelovar, and smaller than in the Forest Administration

On the sessile oak yellow mistletoe was investigated in the area of the Forest
Administration Nova Gradiška, where mistletoe was observed on 4.6 %
of the examined trees. On the infected trees there were 2 mistletoe plants on
the average, and the highest number of plants on one tree was 5. The largest
infestation was found in the Management Unit Južni Dilj, of the Forest Office
Slavonski Brod, where 9.3 % of the examined trees were infected. Previous researches
show that the intensity of mistletoe infestation of the sessile oak in
the area of the Forest Administration Nova Gradiška is greater than in the
Forest Administration Bjelovar, and smaller than in the Forest Administration

Out of the total number of examined narrow–leaved ash trees in the area
of Forest Administration Vinkovci, 2.7 %, were infected with white-berried
mistletoe, with an average of 2 mistletoe plants per infected tree; the largest
number of plants per tree was 5. In the area of the Forest Administration Nova
Gradiška 7.3 % of the examined narrow-leaved ash trees was infected with
mistletoe, with an average of 4 mistletoe plants per tree; the largest number of
mistletoe plants on one tree was 60.


Mistletoes are a constituent part of
ff forest eco-systems and they do not ret

present a special threat t
oo thei
rr hosts
,, if
ff the infection intensity is not high. Although
the percentage of infested trees varied in individual compartments, i.e.
management units, the important fact was that the number of yellow mistletoe
plants on infested sessile and pedunculate oak trees was not high (averaging
2 mistletoe plants per tree). The state of infection of the narrow-leaved ash
was partly different in individual management units in the Forest Administration
Nova Gradiška, where on the average a higher number of white-berried
mistletoe plants on the infested trees was observed, and a relatively large

number o
ff plants on some trees.

Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXX (2006), 399-409