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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2006 str. 96     <-- 96 -->        PDF

Leptiri su sasvim sigurno jedna od prvih skupina kukaca koje je čovjek uočio u prirodi i naučio ih
raspoznavati. Pritom je dobrim dijelom od pomoći bila njihova osebujna i bogata obojenost, koja
katkada postiže prava mala čuda prirode, tako da su postali iznimno popularni među entomolozima
amaterima čitavog svijeta. Isto vrijedi za njihove ličinke, gusjenice, no daleko je manje dobrih poznavatelja
leptira u njihovom larvalnom stadiju. Ljeto je doba kada odrasle leptire na otvorenim travnatim
površinama i šumskim progalama susrećemo u najvećem broju. Predstavljamo ovdje neke od
najčešćih, ali i ugroženih vrsta od kojih se na popisu strogo zaštićenih svojti nalazi i jedna od najpoznatijih
europskih vrsta jedaraca, lastin rep (Papilio machaon L.).

Butterflies are almost surely one of the first insect groups that humans have been aware of in the
nature and which they learned to classify and tell apart different species from each other. Being rich
and explicit in colors this job was somehow eased and they became quite popular within the amateur
entomologists of the world. This variability and uniqueness of body colors and form applies to their larvae,
named caterpillars, but the knowledge of their larval stages is considerably weaker compared with
that of the adult stage. Summer is the period of the year when adults are seen on grassy meadows and
forest clearings in highest numbers. We are presenting here some of the most common species. Some,
like Swallow Tail (Papilio machaon L.), the best known European species of papilionid butterflies is
included in the list of the strictly protected species of Croatian fauna.

IZDAVAČ: HRVATSKO ŠUMARSKO DRUŠTVO uz financijsku pomoć Ministarstva
znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske i Hrvatskih šuma, d.o.o.
Publisher: Croatian Forestry Society – Editeur: Société forestiere croate –
Herausgeber: Kroatischer Forstverein

Grafička priprema: ŽUPANČIĆ H R d.o.o. – Zagreb
Tisak: EDOK – Zagreb