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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2006 str. 66     <-- 66 -->        PDF

V. Šegrt, E. Menđušić, G. Horvatović, M. Grubešić, K. Krapinec: OZLJEDA PTICA GRABLJIVICA . Šumarski list br. 7–8, CXXX (2006), 353-356
LITERATURA – References

Cunningham, M.: The down side of raptor reStubbe,
Ch., M. Ahrens, M. Stubbe, J. Goretzki,
habilitation, Article in: The Falconers & Raptor 1995.: Lebendfang von Wildtieren, Fangtech-
Conservation Magazine; anno 1997; no. 30; p. nike-Methoden-Erfahrungen, Lebendfang von

27. Greifvögeln, p.p. 150.–165., Deutscher Land-
National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association and Interwirtschaftverlag
Berlin, 1995, 208 p.p.
national Wildlife Rehabilitation Council, 2000.: Šegrt, V., 2006.: Osnove sokolarenja, Gradska
Minimum Standards for Wildlife Rehabilitation, knjižnica Ivan Goran Kovačić, ISBN 953-6829Third
Edition, 2000 Edited by Erica A. Miller, 48-7, priručnik, p.p. 103.
DVM, International Wildlife Rehabilitation Udruga Sokolarski centar, 2005.: Statistika Službe spa-

Council, National Wildlife Rehabilitators šavanja grabljivica za 2005.godinu
Association, p.p. 76.
Ornitološki zavod, HAZU, 2006.: Brojno stanje ptica
grabljivica u 2006., dio dokumenta iz preb rojavanja.

SUMMARY: Birds of prey were men direct concurrent in food chain and
ecosystem during the centuries. That was also one of the main reasons in their
prosecution. Final cause of this behavior was need for birds of prey to be
properly homed, healed and again released in the wild. It was also very
important to analyze major factors which are the commonest in their wounding
in range of Republic Croatia. Used data’s were received from Birds of
Prey Rescue Team, Falconry Center Šibenik in 2005.

K ey w o rd s : birds of prey, wounds, falconry techniques, rehabilitation.