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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2006 str. 53 <-- 53 --> PDF |
J. Zelić: RASTE LI DRVEĆE U ŠUMI PO PRAVILIMA ZLATNOG REZA I FIBONACCIJEVOG NIZA? Šumarski list br. 7–8, CXXX (2006), 331-343 monious motion with a positive prefix. The b-module may be used to make a numerical expression of site classes for tree species or determine ecological- management forest types. The model presupposes that the force of tree growth in diameter is not inhibited by the force of resistance to growth as an internal structure of growth, whereas oscillations in growth (increment) are caused by external forces. Tree growth in height, represented by a mathematical function of the second degree, does not assume the patterns of the Golden section and the Fibonacci series because the force of growth is inhibited by a suppressed force, the force of resistance to growth. This force increases with ageing of trees and ends with the maximum of tree height, when the force of resistance to height growth equals the force of growth. The speed of height growth is individual for each tree species and is conditioned by external influences, site class, warmth, light, air circulation, stand density, etc. The volume of tree growth is the function of growth of breast diameter, height and form factor. It is caused by the internal structure of growth of two opposing forces and by external forces of growth and does not manifest growth according to the rules of the Golden section and the Fibonacci series. The Golden section of tree volume, as an ideal point of balancing the proportions of external tree habitus and underground part (root) should be sought with another methodology. Key words: the Golden section, the Fibonacci series, growth of tree breast diameter and crown diameter, height and volume growth, growth equation, growth forces, forces of resistance to growth, suppressed and forced motions, equilateral spiral, square whirl. |