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ŠUMARSKI LIST 13/2005 str. 52     <-- 52 -->        PDF

V. Topic. L. Butorac: THE IMPACT OF SCRUB VF.GIiTATION OF ORIENTAL HORNBEAM ... Šumarski list - SUPLEMENT (2005). 40-50
In plot B6 at a slope of 26°, where oriental hornbeam
scrub was removed but the humus-accumulative
horizon and leaf litter were preserved, the mean annual
value of surface runoff amounts to 24.03 mm/m2

(240.3 m7ha), with the runoff coefficient of 0.0192
and soil losses of 0.00072 t/ha, while in plot B7 with
the preserved oriental hornbeam scrub covering
61.14 % of the ground and a slope of 26°, surface
runoff is 19.53 mm/m" (195.3 m3/ha), the surface coefficient
is 0.0156 and soil losses are 0.0056 t/ha. The
maximal surface runoff coefficient in sample plot B6 is
0.075, and in sample plot B7 it is 0.0295.

If sample plot B6 continues to remain without the
vegetation cover, the risk of erosion will be high. The
results of this research may be used for reliable assessments
of water-induced erosion in forest areas with
identical or similar ecological conditions in the entire
sub-Mediterranean karst region of the Republic of