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ŠUMARSKI LIST 13/2005 str. 30 <-- 30 --> PDF |
S. Malić, I. Anić. M. Oršanić: SILVICULTURAL TREATMENTS AIMED AT IMPROVING Till: ANTI-EROSION ... Šumarski list - SUPI.FMF.NT (2005). 17-30 aspect, the selection structure is desirable in all kinds of forest stands. However, the problem is that regular selection management can achieve the selection structure only in those forests in which the principal tree species is silver fir. A selection forest is mistakenly perceived by some foresters as the "most natural" forest, whose appearance is the closest to the virgin forest. However, it should be borne in mind that the selection stage of a virgin forest is only one of the periods in its life cycle. A selection forest cannot be identified with a virgin forest, because the former is the product of natural and selection management. In this sense, it should be stressed that a selection forest is a natural forest because it originates from natural regeneration, but its selection structure is of artificial character. This structure can only be permanently maintained with selection management and selection cuts as an integral part of this management. Therefore, a selection forest is a commercial forest form which is gradually lost if the forest is excluded from regular selection management (Matić et al. 2001, 1997). The selection forest management was developed and introduced for fear of the disappearance of forests and of the consequences of primitive selection cutting, clearcutting and disorganized forest management two and a half centuries ago. Since selection forests generally inhabit mountainous areas (range of silver fir), the fear of erosions and avalanches, as well as the problems with water supply highlighted the issue of management with such forests. The beech-fir selection forests in the Croatian part of the Dinara chain were selectively cut, but also selectively managed in an organized way as early as the mid-18th century. The Croatian forestry experts who advocated the selection management method and gave outstanding professional and scientific contributions to their improvement include A. Borošić, Đ. Nenadić, A. Petračić,A. Kern,M.Tordony,V. Dojko vie, A. Jovanovac, J. Majnarić, Ž. Miletić, S. Šurić, M. Markić, S. Frančišković, D. K1 e p a c, and many others. Selection management involves the pennanent maintenance of a normal growing stock distributed in a selection structure. This is achieved with selection silvicultural treatments which simultaneously tend, regenerate, shape and sustain the selection structure, as well as harvest mature trees and trees that need to be harvested for different reasons. Selection management entails a systematic, planned application of silvicultural treatments in a selection stand. A part of this kind of management is selection cutting. The goal of silvicultural treatments is to form a selection stand with an optimal structure, whose composi tion mix will contain species with the most valuable and the highest increment. Such a stand should make maximal use of the soil´s production ability and at the same time put forth abundant natural young growth. Management in a selection forest comprises two groups of silvicultural treatments: a tending the young generation (trees and groups of young plants and young stands) b selecting, which consists of thinning trees and groups of trees in the sapling, pole and prop stages, as well as harvesting mature trees. All the treatments in a selection forest are concentrated in time and space, and form an indelible whole. Should one of the above activities be absent, the structure ofa selection stand will be disturbed, which in turn reflects on the increment, regeneration and stability. It can be concluded that the primary task of the selection stand management consists of forming and maintaining the selection structure. Only by doing this will continuous natural regeneration be ensured as an important prerequisite for the productivity and stability of selection fir-beech stands. The current selection forests infrequently manifest changes that cause problems in selection management: a) fir regenerates poorly or not at all b) in some areas beech regenerates and expands aggressively at the expense of fir c) the growing stock in a stand decreases or increases in relation to the normal model d) the volume distribution by diameter classes is disturbed e) the tree distribution by stand layers is disturbed f) the increment is reduced, the largest trees age, physiologically weaken and decline g) cutting intensities are poor and differ from the realistic possibilities h) climatic and other changes in the environment of selection forests cause dieback i) the stand microclimate changes due to the cutting of trees for the needs of motorways, gas pipes, transmission lines and similar. This leads to dieback and death of firs in all developmental stages j) the routes of infrastructural facilities are planned without consulting forestry experts, which causes unnecessary dieback and devastation in the stand and in the environment. |