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ŠUMARSKI LIST 13/2005 str. 236     <-- 236 -->        PDF

Šumarski list - SUPI.EMENT (2005), 229-237



SUMMARY: The paper analyses the distribution of Norway spruce fine
root (roots with diameter under 2 mm) biomass in the soil. Four Norway
spruce stands of the age 21, which were established by artificial regeneration
on former agricultural area have been researched. By the establishment of the
stands two initial numbers of seedlings -2500 and 5000 pes. of Norway
spruce on 1 hectare and various initial spacings have been used. In this paper
the spacings 4,0x 1,0 m, 3,0x 1,3 m, 2,5x 0,8 m and2,0x 1,0 m are evaluated.
The presence of fine roots in the soil profile has been investigated to the
depth of 40 cm. The highest value of fine root biomass (7013 kg/ha) was found
out on the plot with the spacing 3,Ox 1,3 m, the lowest value had the plot with
the spacing 2,5 x 0,8 m (3945 kg/ha). The relation between the distribution of

fine root biomass and necromass and the soil depth could be approached with
a linear regression. The decrease of the fine root biomass with the increasing
soil depth is different, the slowest is on the plot with the spacing 4,0 x 1,0 m.
For the assessment of the fine root distribution in the horizontal direction the
fine root density calculated on 100 ml of soil has been used. All spacings were
analysed in the depth 2,5 cm, 15 cm a 35 cm. The relation between horizontal
distance and fine root density was estimated with the parabola function. In
the soil depth of 2,5 cm the parabola function has a convex shape with a maximum
in the space between the tree rows. With the increasing soil depth the
function shape is turning into a concave one, with the minimum in the space
between the rows. This change is caused by on the root system characteristics
of Norway spruce and on the limited possibilities of his growth by the various
spacings. The relation between the distance and fine root density is not strong
because of generally high root biomass variability in the soil.

Keywords: Norway spruce, fine roots, biomass, necromass


The dominant function of fine and finest foots, i.e. der various conditions. The impulse to more intensive
the roots with the diameter under 2.0 mm is the uptake research of fine roots was their mentioned ability to
of water and dissolved nutrients. Therefore the fine response on the environment changes.

roots are considered a responsive indicator of health The fine root development as well as the growth of
state and growth potential of trees and forest stands. particular diameter categories of roots is impacted esThe
absorbing function of fine roots is conditioned by pecially by tree species, age of tree, environment contheir
anatomy. The fine root biomass production (roots ditions, biosociologicai position of the tree in the

< 2.0 mm diameter) is investigated less than the issue
stand, intraspecific and introspecific competition
of architecture and morphogenesis of root systems un-
Köstle r etal. (1968), Korotaev (1997), Wagcn knecht
(1960), Hertel (1999), Kodrik (1997).

Ing. Peter Jaloviar, PhD, Department of Silviculture, The root development and production in commercial
Forestry Faculty, Technical University, Masarykova 24,
forest is influenced besides mentioned factors crucia

960 53 Zvolen, Slovak Republic,

lly by the management of the stand from its origin to
