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ŠUMARSKI LIST 13/2005 str. 18 <-- 18 --> PDF |
Z. Vicha: FIFTY YEARS OF THF FORESTRY IIYDRO-PFDOFOGICAL RESEARCH WITHIN THE FOREST ... Šumarski list SUPLF.MF.NT (2005). 7-16 for beech is of higher importance, with respect to water lower capacity of more flat root system of spruce, to use run-off, than the different ways of forest management. the precipitation water infiltrated to deeper horizons, Evapotranspiration was lowered, most probably due to which resulted in increased minimal run-off. CONCLUSION AND PRACTICAL RECOMMENDATIONS Natural retention capacity of forests is limited. Under the most intensive precipitation even natural forest stand is not capable to prevent flooding. In forest management it is recommended to create suitable species composition and balanced age composition. In forest regeneration it is important to stabilize the new cultures in time, and to preserve suitable qualities of the forest soil of high infiltration capacity. In forest tending mainly the resistance of the young stands against damage by biotic and a biotic agents is to be supported, to prevent their disturbing and preserve their capacity of positive impact on hydrological regime. Well-planned forest roads and technological lines have to respect sa ve run-off of cumulated precipitation water of these horizontal objects. Also torrent control, done in proper, nature close way, is of importance. The aim is to prevent erosion, which is than worsening the impact of flood wave in the lower parts of the water run. Streamside stands have to be well kept, and the species of strong root system, fixing the riverbanks and resistant in culmination flows are to be supported. It is clear that such a sensitive approach can be more easily ensured in the small-extent, nature close forest management. From the viewpoint of other important forest functions such management has many other advantages, mainly in the spring area of mountain water runs. |