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ŠUMARSKI LIST 13/2005 str. 17     <-- 17 -->        PDF



During the whole period of investigation within
the CE basin, the average year precipitation was
1122.4 mm, run-off 646.2 mm, average year flow was

20.5 1 x s"´ x km2. In MR basin the average year precipitation
was 1238.4 mm, run-off 912.0 mm, average
year flow 28.9 1 x s"1 x km2. In the graphs there are average
monthly precipitation and run-off in the period of
1954 to 2003. In Beskydy snow is melting in March to
May, the highest precipitation is during the summer
Water balance in the forest stands, hydrologic ally
analysed in detail, is very complicated natural process.
It starts in measuring of individual rain, number of days
in between them, interception, evapotranspiration, soaking
of water in soil, run-off under different climatic
conditions, season, and natural conditions. In a strong
rain, part of water is soaked by the forest soils, smaller
part runs-off, mainly in plots of compacted and stabilised
soil surface. Volume of water soaked by forest soils
is limited. That is why aerial surface run-off can be observed,
when water is concentrated in trenches and water
runs. This type of water run-off represents about
15-20 % of the total amount in maximum, ant it is limited
to very short time. Higher percentage is represented
by fast surface run-off in flooding waves; its development
depends on saturation of the basin, volume and
length of rain, permeability and depth of the soils, slope
inclination, and the tendency to concentrate run-off water.
Retention capacity of the soil is confirmed also by
the data measured in Beskydy research: Rain intensity
over the whole period had hardly exceeded 2 mm per
minute, it means 33 nr of water per square km per second,
however. The highest specific run-off was measured
in MR q= 3,144 m3 x s~´ x km2. This data confirm
fast water retention by the forest soil.

Some really heavy, sudden rains in Beskydy have resulted
in fladdings. Also water culminations exceeding
1000 1 x s"´ x km", are of danger. During the investigation
such events were observed 9 times in MR, and 7 times
in CE. In MR the highest culmination recorded was
after the storm-rain in July 25, 1966, it was already mentioned
value of 3,144 1 x s"´ x km2. In CE the highest was
culmination of August 1, 1971 - 1,576.,2 1 x s"1 x km2. It
was found that for the culmination the level and intensity
of given precipitation is decisive. After the regeneration
of the mature stands increased number of culmination
flow was not proved statistically.

In heavy fladdings also branches, parts of the trees
etc. are flowing down with water stream. Than sluices,
bridges, and whole river and stream beds are filled
with that material, water gets out of the banks and the
land around can be damaged.

To evaluate the small and minimal water runs during
the dry period of the year is also useful. Measuring has
proved, that such periods are repeated during a year more
frequently then fladdings, irregularly, depending on
air temperature. They arc lasting mostly several days, as
usual; the time is longer in winter, even two months. During
the 50 years of measuring the minimal run-off was
reaching up to qm}n< 0,5 1 x s ´ x km2, endangering not
only the water bio-system, but also water reservoirs in
the villages in lower part of the mountains.

As mentioned above, in the basin of CE investigation
of the run-off water was done within the two pair
basins. The research was focused on the problem,
whether the different ways of management, and connected
different age structure of the stands in the two
basins, can be reflected by run-off regime. Evaluating
the results of long-term investigation, it can be stated
that provable change of the run-off conditions was not
observed. Forest regeneration was not connected with
the reduction of run-off water, and the older stands left,
of higher timber supply, did not show higher run-off.
However, it is to be stressed, that in spite of the fact
that not significant changes in run-off regime were observed
in the stand managed by intensive way of clear-
cutting, more sensitive, nature close ways of forest management
bring also other advantages, also in water regime.
Forest soil is not eroded due to damage by heavy
logging mechanisation, soil infiltration capacity is not
disturbed, so under-surface water run-off is supported.
Also area of bare land, and connected soil erosion after
heavy rains, is not that big. This is mainly problem of
poor sites, of insufficient vegetation cover, where soil
is not covered by grass and weed. The two plots in Beskydy
are moderately rich sites, and after felling the soil
is covered by grass during several weeks, and thus protected
against water erosion. In spite of the fact that negative
impact of clear cutting, within the extent given
by the law, on water run-off was not proved, other advantages
of the nature close management have to be
stressed. It is mainly bio-diversity preservation, higher
stability of the ecosystem, preservation of genetically
valuable material of autochthonous stands, and also
higher esthetical and recreation value of forests.

More important changes in run-off conditions were
observed in the MR basin, where the main tree species beech
was replaced by spruce in the regeneration process.
During the years of low precipitation, water runoff
was higher there. It means that in the warm period of
the year water run-off is higher, in the cold period runoff
is higher in the years of higher precipitation. Mainly
melting snow causes higher run-off in the cold period,
richer in precipitation- after stand regeneration more
water of it runs-off. It can be said that change of spruce