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ŠUMARSKI LIST 13/2005 str. 120     <-- 120 -->        PDF

J. Gračan, S. Pcrić. M. Ivankouć. II. Marjanović: BIOLOGICAL liROSION CONTROL ... Šumarski list SUPLKMLNT (2005). 110-11´)
From the forestry standpoint, the basic task related experiments were established in Lika and Istria (Vito
efficient area afforestation with the goal of reducing d a k o v i ć et al. 1981, G r a č a n et al. 1991, K o m 1 e erosion
intensity. To accomplish the task, several field n o v i ć et al. 1992).


The plants used in field experiments were raised in
the nurseries of the Conifers Institute in Jastrebarsko
(Department of Improvement) and the Department of
Forest Genetics and Dendrology at the Faculty of Forestry
in Zagreb. They were grown from sown seeds
and maintained by tending and protection measures
until the age of 2+0 and 1 + 1. Prior to establishing field
experiments, the young plants were transplanted in
plastic bags and "Jyffi" pots. Field experiments were
established in the locality of "Belaj" (1.5 ha) in the
spring and in "Lički Osrcdci" (1.0 ha) in the autumn of
1975. Different provenances of Austrian pine from Crna
Gora (Kosanica and Crna Poda), Slovenia (Kranj),
Macedonia (Berovo), Russia (Crimea), France (Corsica
4 and Corsica 5), Cyprus (1,2, 3) and Croatia (Supetar,
Pelješac, Makarska, Senj, Vrhovine, Jastrebarsko),
as well as hybrids of Austrian and Japanese red pine
(Pinus nigra x P. densiflora) were transplanted in field
experiments. In the "Lički Osredci" experiment, 2,863
plants (2,310 black pines, 553 hybrids) and in the "Belaj"
experiment 2,597 plants (1,540 Austrian pines,
1,057 hybrids) were transplanted in gradones and in
rows (Figures 1 and 2).

The "Lički Osredci" experiment was established on
an extremely inclined (30°-50°), skeletal and unfavourable
terrain. The soil is excessively leached, and the
whole plot is typical ditch erosion. The lithological
composition of the wider area consists of Jurassic limestones
and dolomites. There is a high percentage of
skeletal soil, while genesis has reached the A-C form


The results of research entitled "Biological erosion
control in Lika and Istria" relate to survival rates, measurements
of heights and breast diameters and monitoring
the growth and development of Austrian pine in
field experiments established in Lički Osredci, Belaj
and Zrmanja. A total of 18 different provenances of
Austrian pine and 9 hybrid families of Austrian and Japanese
red pine were transplanted in the experiments.
Austrian pine is well known for its distinctly disjunct
distribution range. It occurs naturally in the south of
Europe, in the northwest of Africa and in Asia Minor.

The results of plant survival (%), average heights
(m and cm) and breast diameters (cm and mm) are
shown in Tables 1, 2 and 3 and Figures 1, 2, and 3 for
the field experiment in Lički Osrcdci and in Table 3 for
the field experiment Belaj.

(Gračan et al. 1991). According to Pel cer (1975),
this is an area of montane beech forests (Fagetum montanum
Ht.), forests of sessile oak with common hornbeam
(Querceto-Carpinetum Ht.) and forests of pubescent
oak and other oaks with hop hornbeam (Seslerio-
Ostryetum Ht. et. H-ić).

The average soil sample and eight samples of plant
material were taken during the autumn of 1976, 1977,
1979, and 1988. The soil and plant material samples
were analyzed with suitable methods in the Institute laboratory
(Kom leno vi ć etal. 1992).

The geological-lithological structure in the areas of
Grimalda, Belaj and Kršlika - Glavica consists of Tertiary
flysch deposits mainly composed of alternative
marl and sandstone interlayers. Under recent conditions,
this type of parent substrate is represented with
over 80 % of shallow and moderately deep rendzinas.
They are accompanied with regosols, colluvium and
cambic rendzina arranged in a mosaic-like pattern
(Martinović 1977, M artinović and Vrbek 1982,
Martinović and Cestar 1984).

The dominant community in the area is the forest of
pubescent oak and oriental hornbeam (Orno-Carpinetum
orientalis, B e rt o v i ć and L o v r i č 1987).

The success of afforestation was monitored in 6
plots covering an area of about 20 ha in the "Zrmanja"
experiment. The experiment was established in 1957
with seedlings of forest trees and fruits and with uncovered
grass areas (C e s t a r etal. 1985).


Lički Osredci

As seen in Tables 1 and 2, a total of 2,863 plants, of
which 2,310 Austrian pines and 533 hybrids, were
transplanted in the field experiment of Lički Osredci.
The plant survival rate ranged from 17.20 % (Cypar 2)
to 96.20 % (Berovo, Macedonia) in 1988, and from

17.20 % (Cypar 2) to 90.77 % (Pakline, Croatia) in
The average height of Austrian pine was 2.03 m in
1988 and 5.75 m in 2004. In 1988, Cypar 1 attained the
smallest average height of 1.18 m, while the plants of
the Crni Pod provenance achieved the highest height of

2.74 m. In the autumn of 2004, the Cypar I provenance
attained the smallest average height of 2.57 m, whereas
the plants of the Berovo provenance (Macedonia)
achieved the highest of 10.30 m.