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ŠUMARSKI LIST 13/2005 str. 104     <-- 104 -->        PDF


The past disappearance of forests, particularly in
the Croatian coastal region and on the islands, resulted
in vast karst areas faced with a dramatic threat of complete
destruction. Torrents are by far the most destructive
agents, followed by different types of erosions. The
local population, who sought their principal source of
existence in forests, was largely responsible for these
negative past trends. The environmental conditions
and, indirectly, the life of the local population were severely
deteriorated by the loss of forests and soil in
karst areas. The authentic condition could only be restored
with time-consuming and expensive biological-
technical operations. The deeply cut valley of Senjska
Draga with 33.80 km2 of a wider and 15.00 km2 of a
narrower precipitation area is an outstanding example
of such a process. The valley is situated between the
mountain massifs of Velika Kapela and Velebit near the
Town of Senj.

There are big differences between the disappearance
of forests and the related formation of karst, and
their restoration to the original condition. Whereas the
former processes evolve rapidly, the latter takes a long
time and requires considerable financial means. Senjska
Draga, the upper slope of the formerly highly turbulent
Senj torrent, used to be covered with a dense forest
until the second half of the 18th century, which
marked the beginning of its rapid devastation. To curb
this process, the military authorities of the time passed
several legal regulations on the preservation and improvement
of forests on karst, which also included

Senjska Draga. The loss of the forest cover in Senjska
Draga led to dangerous erosions and torrential sediments
that constantly threatened the Town of Senj. In
order to decline this threat, the torrent channel was relocated
outside the town walls at the end of the 1811
century. This partial measure mitigated the risk for the
Town of Senj but did not remove it completely. The
Senj torrent and the erosions were finally regulated
with combined biological-technical measures in its upper
slope in the area of Senjska Draga at the turn of the
19lh century. The Senj Royal Inspectorate, the oldest
forestry karst organisation in Croatia, had a very important
role in carrying out biological and a part of
technical operations. The remaining technical operations
were undertaken by special government torrent
services that employed foresters - torrent experts. The
Senj torrent and the erosion in Senjska Draga were
completely regulated with combined biological-technical
measures. These measures also allowed the return
of autochthonous vegetation, as well as increased the
water capacity and the number of springs. The present
forest cover in Senjska Draga has a primarily protective
function, but also multitudinous non-commercial
functions, which guarantee the preservation and improvement
of the stability in the environment. The highly
satisfactory results obtained from the Senj torrent
regulations and erosion control in Senjska Draga may
rightly be considered as one of the most successful pro

jects of this kind in the entire Mediterranean area.



Senjska Draga, as a wider precipitation area of the
formerly notorious Senj torrent "Torrentea", is a narrow,
confined valley situated between the mountain
massifs of Velika Kapela and Velebit at the 15lh meridian
and the 45th parallel. From the Town of Senj inland-
wise it forms a narrow valley with steep sides,
and then broadens fan-like through numerous grooves
and smaller coves towards the mentioned mountain
massifs. The wider precipitation area of Senjska Draga
takes up 33.80 km", while the narrower area covers

15.00 km . Senjska Draga may be considered a natural
rarity, because this small area contains diverse geological
substrates, soil types, climatic features and vegctational
Geological and pedological structure

The largest part of the wider precipitation area is
made up of Jurassic limestones (71 %), and a smaller
part of impermeable Triassic rocks (29 %). The central
part of Senjska Draga is composed of Triassic eruptive

- amphibolic (green) schist bordered with Carnic rocks
(clastites) from the bottom part in the narrow belt. Both
groups of rocks are bordered with thinly layered dolomites
and dolomite limestones of the Upper Triassic.
The remaining, largest part of Senjska Draga is covered
with alternating deposits of dolomites and the dominating
Jurassic limestone. Conglomerates and differently
sized stones of Pleistocene torrential origin
occur in the belt of the former torrent. With regard to
the geological substrate, soil, orographic features and
other external particularities, Senjska Draga is exposed
to strong erosions (Kovačević, 1981). Stable to minimally
eroded terrain accounts for only 11 % of the total
area of Senjska Draga, whereas the larger part is
subject to dangerous erosion causing total degradation
(64 %) and to intensive erosion (25 %). The average
terrain slope gradient of Senjska Draga of 10 % is also
responsible for distinct erosive processes, because any
terrain with a slope higher than 2 % is erosion-prone.
Naturally, stable terrains are also subject to "normal
erosion", which removes to 1 nrVha of material annual