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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2005 str. 68     <-- 68 -->        PDF

D. Barčić, Ž. Španjol, V. Vujanić, R. Rosavec: PROBLEMATIKA ZAŠTITE VODA I MORA U REPUBLICI . Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXIX (2005), 611-622
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SUMMARY: The paper deals with the water and sea status in the Republic of Croatia. As one of
the most important natural resources, water plays a crucial role in the protection of the environment.
Therefore, the preservation of its quality and quantity is one of the basic requirements for development
and a strategic asset for the future.

The water condition in Croatia is satisfactory; however, some deviations in the quality in the sense
of pollution and contamination were recorded in the proximity of larger urban or industrial centres,
larger agricultural areas and major traffic lines. The quality of the sea in the vicinity of larger towns,
harbours and tourist resorts deviates from the prescribed values. An efficient protection of water and
sea is undertaken by monitoring the condition and by inventorying, that is, systematising and typifying
waters in the Republic of Croatia.

The paper highlights the problem of protecting water from pollution with regard to forest ecosystems.
Particular stress is laid on the role of forests and waters in the lowland part of Croatia, as well
as the hydrological or water-protective role of forests across Croatia.

Key words: Republic of Croatia, water and sea protection, environmental protection, water
status, pollution, contamination