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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2005 str. 27     <-- 27 -->        PDF

I. Trinajstić, Z. Cerovečki: PRILOG SINTAKSONOMSKOJ ANALIZI ASOCIJACIJE Ostryo-Fagetum ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXIX (2005), 575-581
SUMMARY: On the basis of the earlier literature data and our own
researches, the syntaxonomic analysis of the floristic composition of the ass.
Ostryo-Fagetum was made. Within 18 phytocoenological relevé it comprises
175 species. As the dominant characteristic species of the association, it is
distinguished Ostrya carpinifolia, then come Cylamen purpurascens, Cirsium
erisithales and, as a locally characteristic species, Helleborus niger. The mesophilous
character species of the alliance Aremonio-Fagion and the thermophilous
suballiance Ostryo-Fagenion are represented by a larger number
of species. The characteristic species of the order Fagetalia and the class
Querco-Fagetea are also numerous, although just a small number of them
shows a higher degree of constancy. In the complete floristic composition the
companion species are represented well and can be differentiated further into
elements of the orders Erico-Pinetalia, Quercetalia pubescentis and Quercetalia
robori-petraeae, as well ass into other companion species significant
mostly for individual non-forest vegetation forms.

With regard to its overall floristic composition the ass. Ostryo-Fagetum
can be differentiated into three subassociations – a typical thermophilous
subass. ostryetosum, a relatively mesophilous subass. staphylletosum and a
markedly mesophilous subass. rhamnetosum fallacis. As can be seen in the
attached table the share of thermophilous species decreases in the direction
from the subass. ostryetosum to the subass. rhamnetosum fallacis.

In terms of phytogeography the ass. Ostryo-Fagetum presents a typical
south-east alpine forest community that eastwards and south-eastwards, on
the western Dinarides, gradually gets in contact with the ass. Aceri obtusati-
Fagetum, and this forest community achieves the optimum of its development
(cf. Fabijanić & Fukarek 1968) on the dolomites in Bosnia, within the central