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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2005 str. 19 <-- 19 --> PDF |
M. Idžojtić, M. Glavaš, M. Zebec, R. Pernar, M. Dasović & N. Pavlus: ZARAZA OBIČNE JELE ... Šumarski list br. 11–12, CXXIX (2005), 559-573 Usčuplić, M., M. Dautbašić, 1998: Bolesti i šte- Zuber, R., 1983: Forstschutz. In: Wald- und Forst točine koje ugrožavaju šumske ekosustave u wirtschaft in Graubünden. Ründnerwald, Bei- Bosni i Hercegovini. Works of the Faculty of heft 12: 115. Forestry University of Sarajevo 1: 19–26. Zuber, D., 2004: Biological flora of Central Europe: Vukelić, J., Đ. Rauš, 1998: Šumarska fitocenologi- Viscum album L. Flora 199: 181–203. ja i šumske zajednice u Hrvatskoj. Sveučilište u Zagrebu, 310 pp. SUMMARY: The research on the distribution range and infestation intensity of silver fir (Abies alba) with white-berried mistletoe (Viscum album ssp. abietis) was carried out in the area managed by Croatian Forests Co. Ltd., comprising eight forest administrations: Gospić, Bjelovar, Karlovac, Koprivnica, Našice, Ogulin, Senj and Zagreb. In total 23,846 silver fir trees were examined. For the Forest Administration Gospić the mapping of mistletoe infestation intensity was carried out, and a data base of stand and habitat parameters (exposition, soil, height above sea-level, standing, association and canopy) was made out of the management facts. The data were analyzed in order to establish whether there is a correlation between those parameters and the intensity of mistletoe infestation. In the area of eight Forest Administrations 27.8 % of the examined silver fir trees was infested with mistletoe. On most of these examined infested trees, i.e. 70 %, there were up to 10 mistletoe shrubs. Between 1/2 to 3/4 of the infested examined trees were located in three management units (MU) in Forest Administration Gospić (MU Velika Plješivica-Drenovača, Forest Office Donji Lapac; MU Trovrh- Kik, Forest Office Korenica and MU Bovan-Jelar, Fores Office Perušić), and also in MU Javornik (Forest Office Sirač, Forest Administration Bjelovar), MU Jovanovica (Forest Office Voćin, Forest Administration Našice) and two management units in Forest Administration Ogulin (MU Jasenačka kosa, Fores Office Jasenak and MU Klek, Fores Office Ogulin). The biggest infestation (all the examined trees) was observed in the MU Trakošćan (Fores Office Ivanec, Forest Administration Koprivnica) and MU Šivičko Bilo, Forest Office Krasno, Forest Administration Senj (93 % of the examined trees). There was a negative correlation between the height above sea-level and the infestation of silver fir with mistletoe. Among the subcompartments with a full canopy there were considerably less subcompartments with a higher infestation intensity than in subcompartments with an incomplete or discontinued canopy. The subcompartments on rhodic cambisol and luvisol were considerably more infested than subcompartments on mollic leptosol. The infestation intensity on rendzic leptosol and chromic cambisol was very diverse, these being the most widespread types of soil in the examined area. The other analysed habitat and stand parametres individually had no considerable influence on the infestation of silver fir with mistletoe. In the Forest Administration Gospić in management units in which the infestation with mistletoe was higher, in 2004 there was also a much higher number of dead fir trees than in management units with a lower infestation. In the area of the National Park Plitvička Jezera the research was carried out on seven bio-indicative points, on which all the exemplary silver fir trees were examined, out of which 23.2 % were infested with mistletoe. In the MU Bršljenovica and MU Čorkova uvala-Kapela more than half of the exemplary trees were infested. According to the damage degree of fir trees, mistletoe occurred on trees from degree 0 (healthy trees) to degree 2b (degree of damage 41–60 %), whereas the trees without mistletoe were damaged from degree 0 to degree 2a (degree of damage 26–40 %), i.e. in degree 2b all the trees were infested. K e y w o rd s : Viscum album ssp. abietis, Abies alba, intensity of infestation, Croatian Forests Co. Ltd., National Park Plitvička Jezera |