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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2005 str. 30     <-- 30 -->        PDF

N. Lukić, M. Božić, J. Čavlović, K. Teslak, D. Novosel: ISTRAŽIVANJE PRIMJENJIVOSTI ULTRAZVUČNOG ... Šumarski list br. 9–10, CXXIX (2005), 481-488
SUMMARY: The article discusses advantages and disadvantages of ultrasonic
hypsometers compared to the hypsometers used so far. Due to minimal
divergence (78 % divergence of ± 5 cm) in measuring horizontal distances in
relation to the measured real distance, the Vertex hypsometer can be used as a
distance measurer in forestry operations. The heights of some trees differed
considerably when measured with different instruments. Differences in height
were predominantly the result of differences in determining horizontal distances
with a given instrument. The largest differences or total errors (SEr) in
height measurements in relation to the Vertex, which was used as a control
instrument due to its accuracy in determining horizontal distances and
heights, were found in Blume-Leiss - 0.012 m, Bitterlich’s spiegel relascope
with standard scale - 0.161, Bitterlich’s spiegel relascope with CP scale –
horizontal scale - 0.271 and Bitterlich’s spiegel relascope with CP scale –
vertical scale - 0.301 m.

Key words: ultrasonic hypsometer, determining horizontal distances,
determining tree height, accuracy