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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2005 str. 24 <-- 24 --> PDF |
R. Križanec: VRIJEME PRIJELAZA KAO POKAZATELJ PROMJENA U RAZVOJU ŠUMSKIH SASTOJINA ... Šumarski list br. 5–6, CXXIX (2005), 251-262 SUMMARY: Transition time is a multi-applicable taxation element. Yet, although it can be measured and applied at any time in any forest stand of selection silvicultural form, Croatian forestry does not use it in its full scope. In an attempt to broaden the application, we have processed the filed data of long-standing research in trends and changes of transition time during stand development. The insights gained so far have been complemented with new, practically applicable features. Graphic presentations of periodically measured transition times during the development of the treated stands have confirmed the hypothesis that transition times are useful management indicators of a stand’s condition. Comparison is made of the position, course and form of polygon or equalization curves in relation to their interaction in terms of stability and the expected positive or unforeseen negative changes. Widespread use of transition times by incorporating them in the existing methods of managing forests of selection silvicultural form will contribute to subjective ocular classifications of crown defoliation. Objective measurements of stand condition indicators are a starting point for damage alleviation with the goal of achieving an optimal design of prognostic models of predictable development and setting up guidelines for future management. Key words: transition time, increment percentage |