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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2005 str. 51     <-- 51 -->        PDF

I. Tolić: GRIVASTI SKAKAČ (Ammotragus lervia) MORFOLOŠKO, BIOLOŠKE I EKOLOŠKE OSOBINE Šumarski list br. 3–4, CXXIX (2005), 177-181
u prirodu otoka Tijat, ali zbog krivolova nisu postipublike
Hrvatske. Iznimno, strana divlja svojta mognuti
očekivani rezultati. Na planinu Mosor nasilno že se uvesti samo ako je to znanstveno i stručno uteje
ispušten u prirodu te planine i održava se u stadu meljeno i prihvatljivo sa glediišta zaštite prirode i
od šest grla. Prema odredbama Zakona o lovu ta ži-održivog gospodarenja, a dopuštenje na temelju
votinjska vrsta nije uvrštena u lovnu divljač. izrađene studije o procjeni rizika uvođenja vrste u

Zbog njene fizičke konstrukcije i trofejne vrijednoprirodu
izdaje Ministarstvo kulture, uz prethodno
sti ta vrsta u nekim lovačkim krugovima Hrvatske pribavljeno mišljenje Ministarstva poljoprivrede,
budi interes za unošenje u prirodu Hrvatske na uže šumarstva i vodnog gospodarstva.
izolirane lokalitete.

Sukladno Zakonu o zaštiti prirode zabranjeno je
unošenje novih stranih divljih svojti u prirodu Re-

Jagdlexikon/Autoren: Karl Berren s … Gesamtbear

beitung: Gerhard Seilmeier. – 4., überatr. Aufl. –

München; Wien; Zürich: BLV Verlagsgesell

schaft 1987.
Jagen Weltweit – Paul Parey Zeitschriftenverlag.

SUMMARY: The goal of this article is to present Barbary sheep and propose
this animal species for introduction into the wild habitats of the Republic
of Croatia. The reasons for this lie in the morphological, biological and ecological
properties of this animal. The zoogeographic map of Croatia and the
world shows the widespread distribution of this game species across different
latitudes, in different climatic conditions and soil types and a variety of vegetation
forms. This animal provides both commercial and aesthetic benefits for
the wildlife. The physical appearance of Barbary sheep is particularly striking:
it is no wonder, therefore, that the numerous attractive hunting grounds
in Croatia have become or are fast becoming a tourist Mecca for nature
lovers and hunters alike. The area of Croatia ranks among the most important
in Europe in terms of fauna; however, from the aspect of game management,
there is a growing need to preserve autochthonous species and increase their

At a certain risk, some experts advocate the introduction of foreign species
in the Republic of Croatia with the purpose of improving the hunting offer and
increasing the attraction and value of some hunting grounds. It has been a
plan for some time now to introduce Barbary sheep into the hunting grounds
on the coast and the islands of the Croatian Adriatic.

Barbary sheep originated in the Atlas Mountains and in the countries of
North Africa surrounded by these mountains. Excessive hunting has caused
its disappearance from many regions of its original habitat. However, it has
become established in some localities in the USA, South Africa and Spain,
while in Croatia a small population is being raised in a fenced area on the
island of Hvar (Jelsa), on Mosor (the hamlet of Gornji Dolac), Bisak and on
the islet Tijat near Šibenik.

In a fenced area these sheep have displayed high vitality and reproductive
possibilities, modesty in food and water requirements, and resistance to diseases
and parasites. They thrive in rocky terrain and are very skilful in mastering
cliffs and wasteland.

Key words: Barbary sheep, Barbary ewe, ruminant, hollow-horned
animal, artiodactyl, the Atlas Mountains, introduction, the USA, South Africa,
Spain, Croatia, Hvar, Mosor, Tijat, proliferation, threatens