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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2005 str. 37     <-- 37 -->        PDF

J. Zelić, M. Stojić: OVISNOST GUSTOĆE PROSTORNOG DRVA POLJSKOG JASENA I HRASTA ... Šumarski list br. 3–4, CXXIX (2005), 157-168
SUMMARY: In this article the modifies of stockwood density are presented for
European ash and common oak of various lengths (1, 2 i 4 m) and depending on period
of natural drying.

The original weighing in winter, spring and summer time, 174 days in natural drying
has a significant influence on the stockwood density.
The investigation results are presented with mathematical functions (parabola),
tables and graphs.
The equalization functions depending on density and natural drying period of stock-
wood for European ash are as follows:
Ge.a. 1m = 877,560 – 1,397 t + 0,003 t2 …….. European ash, 1 m,
Ge.a. 2m = 883,355 – 1,228 t + 0,002 t2 …….. European ash, 2 m,
Ge.a. 4m = 876,444 – 1,062 t + 0,001 t2 …….. European ash, 4 m,

Ge.a. forked branch = 1029,966 – 1,842 t + 0,005 t2 …….. european ash, “forked branch”,
Ge.a. tree-stump = 1029,966 – 3,002 t + 0,010 t2 …………european ash, “tree-stump”,
and for common oak are as follows:

Gc.o. 1m = 1005,987 – 2,607 t + 0,005 t2 …….. common oak, 1 m,
Gc..o. 2m = 1010,950 – 2,134 t + 0,002 t2 …….. common oak, 2 m,
Gc. o. 4m = 1006,376 – 1,710 t + 0,0001 t2 …… common oak, 4 m,
The parameters estimate of studied variables (density, drying period), variance

analysis, F – test, t – test are presented in Table 4.
K e y w o rd s : natural stockwood drying, density, density trend decrease, sortiment
length, drying period, equalization functions.