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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2005 str. 72     <-- 72 -->        PDF

D. Ballian: NOVI PRILOG POZNAVANJU OBIČNE JELE (Abies alha Mili.) S BIOKOVA Šumarski list br. 1-2, CXXIX (2005), 63-70
SUMMARJ: This paper presents some previously reported results on the
molecular-genetic level with reference to common silver fir, Abies alba Mili,
from the mountain of Biokovo, as well as to some other populations of common
fir and other fir species. The presented results were obtained on the basis
of isoenzyme analysis as well as by the analysis of mitochondrial DNA.

The discussions that in the area of Croatia there exist other kinds of fir tree
Abies pardei Gaussen, Abies biokovoensis Kuš. or Abies croatica Lovrić,
which was determined by observations in the field as well as by morph-metric
analyses, does not have scientific grounds. On the basis of the molecular-
genetic investigations on common fir and other kinds of fir trees the morpho/
metric results were critically analyzed, since molecular genetic analysis
exclude environmental influence, and in this case confirms that it is a common
fir tree that grows in specific ecological circumstances, in a small isolated
population at the mountain of Biokovo.

On the basis of carried out comparative analyses, this paper reported that
common silver fir from the small population at the Mountain of Biokovo falls
into the groups of the genus Abies alba, and therefore any other taxonomic
systematization is totally excluded. This population is characterized by minor
heterozygosis, with appearance of genetic drift, which gives a specific quality
to this small habitat, but also excludes the appearance of any other new
species of fir in that area.