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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2005 str. 19     <-- 19 -->        PDF

M. Idžojtić, R. Pemar, Z. Lisjak, H. Zdelar, M. Aiičić: DOMAĆINI ŽUTE IMELE (Loranthus europaeus Jacq.) ... Šumarski list br. 1-2, CXXIX (2005), 3-17
of mistletoe shrubs on infested trees was 2.4, and the largest number on one
tree was 9. In the most infested subcompartment of the hungarian oak mistletoe
occurred on 35 % of the examined trees (subcompartment 135b, MU
Južna Krndija I, Forest Office Kutjevo).

On the pedunculate oak yellow mistletoe was present in 96 % of the examined
subcompartments on the area of the Forest Office Kutjevo and Forest
Office Požega. In the infested subcompartments mistletoe occurred on 13.7 %
of the examined tree; on the average there were two shrubs on the infested
trees, and a maximum of 9 mistletoe shrubs on one tree. The infestation intensity
was approximately the same on the pedunculate and sessile oak, with the
difference that on the pedunculate oak in the most infested subcompartment
mistletoe was observed on 36.2 % of the examined trees (subcompartment
105c, MU Južna Krndija I, Forest Office Kutjevo), which was approximately
the same as on the hungarian oak.

The turkey oak was the least infested species in the research area. In the
infested subcompartments (two of the four examined ones in the area of the
Forest Office Požega) mistletoe was observed on 3.1 % of the examined trees.

The sample of 40 examined downy oak trees, of which 12.5 % were infested,
was not sufficiently reliable for making general conclusions about the
infestation of this species with yellow mistletoe.

For the analyzed štand and habitat parameters in subcompartments in
which mistletoe was examined on the sessile oak, certain regularities were
observed in relation to yellow mistletoe infestation. However, these regularities
were not sufficient to make a connection between the particular analyzed
parameters and the occurrence of mistletoe, the latter being considerably
dependent on the movement of bird-carriers, about which there were no available

Key words: Loranthus europaeus Jacq., yellow mistletoe, hosts, infestation
intensity, Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl, Q. frainetto Ten., Q. robur i.,

Q. cerris L., Q. pubescens Willd., Croatian Forests Co.Ltd., Forest Administration