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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2005 str. 18     <-- 18 -->        PDF

M. Idžojtić, R. Pemar, Z. Lisjak, H. Zdelar, M. Aiičić: DOMAĆINI ŽUTE IMELE (Loranthus europaeus Jacq.) ...
SUMMARJ: The research of yellow mistletoe (Loranthus europaeus Jacq.)
was carried out during the winter of 2002/03 in the area administered by
Hrvatske šume d.o.o. (Croatian Forests Co.Ltd.), Forest Administration
Požega. The research was carried out on the following tree species: sessile
oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.), pedunculate oak (Q. robur L.), downy
oak (Q. pubescens Willd.), turkey oak (Q. cerris L.), hungarian oak (Q.
frainetto Ten.), red oak (Q. rubra L.) and sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa
Mili.). In total, 12 management units on the area of six forest offices (Caglin,
Kamenska, Kutjevo, Pleternica, Požega and Velika), 532 compartments,
1,009 subcompartments and 62,932 trees were examined. Of the total number
of examined trees the most prevalent one was the sessile oak (59,488 trees),
then the hungarian oak (1,865 trees), pedunculate oak (1,238 trees), turkey
oak (249 trees), downy oak (40 trees), sweet chestnut (34 trees) and red oak
(27 trees). For the research, compartments older than 30 years were selected.
They were examined diagonally, and notes were made about the number of
infested and non-infested trees, as well as the number of mistletoe shrubs on
infested trees.

For the sessile oak a data base of štand and habitat parameters was made
out of the management facts (exposition, soil, height above sea-level, standing,
phytocoenosis, age and framework). The data were analyzed in order to
establish whether there is a correlation between the mentioned parameters
and the intensity of yellow mistletoe infestation.

The spatial distribution of the sessile oak infestation with yellow mistletoe
was presented on the level of management units. Since the given data present
the average infestation in the management units, layers for each of the management
units were made separately, in order to give an insight into the spatial
arrangement of the examined compartments (subcompartments) and their
infestation intensity.

The hosts of yellow mistletoe on the area of the Forest Administration
Požega were the following autochthonous oak species: Q. petraea, Q. frainetto,
Q. robur, Q. cerris and Q. pubescens. On Castanea sativa and Q. rubra no
mistletoe was observed.

Yellow mistletoe was present in 91.5 % of the examined subcompartments
of sessile oak, on the area of 6 forest offices and 12 management units of the
Forest Administration Požega. In subcompartments containing mistletoe

13.3 % of the examined trees were infested; on the average 2.5 mistletoe
shrubs were growing on the infested trees, and the maximum number of
shrubs counted on one tree was 38. In 83 % of the examined subcompartments
the infestation intensity was less than 20 %, i.e. despite the wide
spreading of yellow mistletoe on sessile oaks, the intensity of infestation was
not high. The lowest percentage of infested trees in the examined area was
found in the Forest Office Požega (7 %), and the highest percentage in the
Forest Office Pleternica (21 %). On the level of management units, the least
infested were the MU Sjeverna Babja gora, Forest Office Požega (6,6 %), and
the most infested the MU Sjeverni Dilj I, Forest Office Pleternica (37.5 % of
examined trees). For the sessile oak there were 3.4 % of subcompartments in
which more than 40 % trees were infested, and in the most infested subcompartment
(59a, MU Sjeverni Dilj I, Forest Office Pleternica) mistletoe
occurred on as much as 89.8 % of the examined trees.
Mistletoe was observed in ali examined subcompartments of the
Management Unit Južna Krndija I, Forest Office Kutjevo, in which the
research was carried out on the hungarian oak. Out of the total number of
examined trees, 22.7 % had mistletoe on them, which was the highest infestation
intensity compared with other autochthonous oaks. The average number

Šumarski list br. 1-2, CXXIX (2005), 3-17