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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2004 str. 73     <-- 73 -->        PDF

T. Porsinsky, A.P.B. Krpan. I. Stankić: DJELOTVORNOST STROJNE SJEČE 1 IZRADE U SASTOJINAMA ... Šumarski list br. 11-12. CXXVIII (2004). 655-669
voj na Šumarskome fakultetu u Zagrebu (Estimation
of the forest soil compaction by cone
penetrometeter - Situation and future development
at the Faculty of forestry Zagreb). Proceedings
"Progresses in Forest Operations",
Ljubljana, Slowenia, 83-93.

Hildebrand , E.E., 1994: Forest soils medium for
root growth. Interactive seminar and workshop
"Soil, tree, machines interaction", Feldafing,
Germany, 1-14.

Gonna , von der M., 1994: Soil conservation guidelines
for mechanical site preparation in British
Columbia, Canada. Interacctive seminar and
workshop "Soil, tree, machines interaction",
Feldafing, Germany, 1-6.

Kosir, B., 1994: Work preparation as a tool to avoid
soil disturbances. Interacctive seminar and
workshop "Soil, tree, machines interaction",
Feldafing, Germany, l^L

Kosir, B., 2002: Tehnološke možnosti strojne sečnje.
Zbornik ob posvetovanju "Strojna sečnja v
Sloveniji", Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije -
Združenje za gozdarstvo, Ljubljana, oktober
2002, 7-20.

Krpan, A.P.B., Ž. Ivanović,S. Petreš, 1993: Fizičke
štete na tlu pri privlačenju drva (Ground
damage resulting from dragging of timber). Šumarski
list 117 (1-2): 23-32.

Krpan, A.P.B., T. Porsinsky, 2001: Harvester
Timberjack 1070 u Hrvatskoj. (Harvester Timberjack
1070 in Croatia). Šumarski list 125
(11-12): 619-624.

Krpan, A.P.B., T. Porsinsky, 2002A: Proizvodnost
harvestera Timberjack 1070 pri proredi kulture
običnoga bora (Productivity of Timberjack 1070
Harvester in Scotch Pine Thinning). Šumarski
list 126 (11-12): 551-561.

Krpan, A.P.B., T Porsinsky, 2002B: Djelotvornost
strojne sječe i izradbe u sastojinama mekih i
tvrdih listača. Znanstvena studija, Šumarski fakultet
Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1-40.

Krpan, A.P.B., T. Porsinsky, 2004A: Djelotvornost
strojne sječe i izrade u sastojinama tvrdih i
mekih listača - 1. dio: Promišljanje struke o
strojnoj sječi i izradbi drva (Efficiency of Mechanical
Felling and Processing in Soft and
Hardwood broadleaved stands - Part 1: Attitudes
of Forest Professionals towards Mechanical
Felling and Processing). Šumarski list 128(3^):

Krpan, A.P.B., T Porsinsky, 2004B: Djelotvornost
strojne sječe i izrade u sastojinama tvrdih i
mekih listača - 2. dio: Djelotvornost harvestera

u kulturi mekih listača (Efficiency of Mechanical
Felling and Processing in Soft and Hardwood
broadleaved stands - Part 2: Efficiency of
harvesters in the culture of soft broadleaf trees).
Šumarski list 128 (5-6): 233-244.

Krpan, A.P.B., T Porsinsky, I. Stankić, 2004:
Djelotvornost strojne sječe i izrade u sastojinama
tvrdih i mekih listača - 3. dio: Djelotvornost
harvestera u prirodnoj prorednoj sastojini tvrdih
listača (Efficiency of Mechanical Felling and
Processing in Soft and Hardwood broadleaved
stands - Part 3: Efficiency of harvester in natural
thinning stands of hardwood broadleaf species).
Šumarski list 128 (9-10): 495-508.

Martinić , I., 1991: Oštećenje sastojine pri obaranju
stabla, izradi i privlačenju drva (Damage to
Stands of Trees in the Felling, Processing and
Hauling of Timber). Šumarski list 115 (1-2):

Martinić, I., M. Jurišić, T Hengl, 1999: Neke
ekološke posljedice uporabe strojeva u šumarstvu
(Some Ecological Effects of Machinery
Utilisation in Forestry). Strojarstvo 41 (3-4):

Martinić , I., 2000: Koliko smo blizu ekološki prihvatljivoj
uporabi mehanizacije u šumarstvu?
(Environmentally friendly use of machinery in
forestry - a soap bubble or a near future). Šumarski
list 124 (1-2): 3-13.

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knjiga Zagreb, 1-343.
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of thinning in the Nordic countries. Proceedings
of International conference "Thinnings: A valuable
forest management tool", September 9-14,
2001, IUFRO Unit 3.09.00 & FERIC & Natural
Resources Canada & Canadian Forest Service, CD.

Rebula , E., 1991: Posljedice gradnje vlaka u šumi.
Mehanizacija šumarstva 16(3): 161-171.

Saarilahti , M., 2002: Soil interaction model. Project
deliverable D2 (Work package No. 1) of the Development
of a Protocol for Ecoefficient Wood
Harvesting on Sensitive Sites (ECOWOOD). EU
5th Framework Project (Quality of Life and Management
of Living Resources) Contract No.
QLK5-1999-00991 (1999-2002), 1-72.

Sionneau, J., E. Cuchet, 2001: Mechanisation of
Thinnings in Hardwood, The Franch Experience.
Proceedings of International conference