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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2004 str. 54     <-- 54 -->        PDF

M. Šporčić, I. Martinić: USLUŽNI IZVODITELJI ŠUMSKIH RADOVA U HRVATSKOJ Šumarski list br. 11-12. CXXV1II (2004), 633-648
Martinić , I., T. Krema , 1997b: Poduzetnici u šum- marski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 100 pp,
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SUMMARY: This paper presents the position of providing forest services in
Croatia by independent contractors. The actual position has been assessed
based on a comprehensive analysis of contractors and services provided in
the period J 998 to 2002. The profile of forest contractors has been determined
by analysis of form and characteristics of contractors, who offered to
provide their services as forest contractors through public tenders announced
by "Hrvatske šume ". The data for 538 contractors involved their structure by
their headquarters, number of permanently employed workers, number of
employed graduated engineers, number of forest mechanisation and type of
services. The type, volume, value and time limits of the contracted works have
also been analysed.

It has been determined that contractors interested in periodical and short-
term forestry engagement prevail. They were mostly minor, poorly equipped,

family enterprises, usually without permanently employed workers and without
typical working equipment for forest operations, if any. The highest number
of contractors comes from central Croatia, Gorski Kotar and Lika, and
the lowest from Istria and Dalmatia. Apart from poor technical and technological
basis, the professional level of the provision of forest services is especially
disputable since such operational units only employ few graduated

The results of the analysis have shown that the actual forest contractors,
regardless of their significant share in executing production tasks, are neither
well organised nor adequately qualified and hence they cannot be taken for
stable partners in the management of the Croatian forests.

Attention has also been drawn to the need for developing a model, which
would provide the continuation of the first officially accredited and qualified
forest contractors.

Key words: forestry, forest contractors, entrepreneur ship, licensing