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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2004 str. 31     <-- 31 -->        PDF

Kozarac , J., 1897.: O uzgoju posavskih hrastovih sas- nju, Glasnik za šumske pokuse posebno izdanje
tojina u prvim periodima ophodnje, Š. L. 1897., 4: Zagreb, str. 147-154.
str. 1-15. Rauš , Đ., 1972.: Karta šumskih zajednica spačvan

Kraljić,B., 1991 a.: Zakupnina za lovište-trošak ili skog bazena i okolice Vinkovaca, GZH, Zagreb,
dio akumulacije, mjesto i raspoređivanje pri kal-Rau š , Đ., 1987.: Spačva, suvisli kompleks lužnjakokulaciji
lovnoga gospodarenja, (rukopis predan vi h šura a u s i ivno m području rijeka Spačve i
za tisak), Zagreb, str. 1-6. Studve, U: Šumarska Eniklopedija 3, Zagreb,

Matić , S., 1990.: Njega sastojinaproredom u mladim, str. 250.
srednjedobnim i starijim sastojinama hrasta luž- Vuke 1 i ć, J., Đ. R au š, 1998.: Šumarska fitocenolonjaka
u Spačvanskom bazenu. Seminar o prore- gij a ; šums k e zajednice u Hrvatskoj, udžbenik,
dama u lužnjakovim šumama, Zagreb, str. 1-43. Šumarski fakultet Zagreb, Zagreb, str. 1-310.
Raguž, D., M. Grubešić, 1993.: Posljedice agresije
na Republiku Hrvatsku u lovnom gospodare-

ABSTRACT: The thesis analyzes the consequences of the 5-year-long
intensive aggression on RC in the area of the Spačva basin in Eastern Slavonija,
which have affected the game stock, hunting ground installations and
the overall hunting management. The research takes into account the data on
the game counting and shooting rates between 1985 and 2002 in the hunting
grounds Spačva north and Spačva south. The total area of these hunting
grounds under research amounts to 35,826 ha.

In order to be able to clearly monitor and get an insight into the state of
the basic game stocks, three periods have been analyzed:

before the aggression 1985 -1990
during the aggression 1991 -1995
after the aggression (recovery time) 1996 -2002
The object of the research is big game managed in this region: red deer
fCervus elaphus L.), fallow deer (Dama dama L.), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus
L.) and wildboar (Sus scrofa L.). For each kind of the game mentioned
there were analyses made regarding the numerical strenght of the basic
stocks, increment and shooting rates.
The goal of the research was to define whether and in what degree were
the numbers, structure, quality and value of the basic game stocks disturbed
under the consequences of the aggression in these areas. Finally, the research
goal is also to suggest ways and measures to improve the overall state within
the hunting grounds in the post-war recovery period.
The mathematical-statistical data analysis was made in order to define the
differences of the numerical strenght of the game in the hunting grounds
Spačva north and Spačva south in the above mentioned three periods. The
testing of mean values and deviation from mean values of the game numbers
within the basic stocks has shown that in most cases there are considerable
statistical differences for the period of aggression and the recovery in comparison
to the time before the war.
On the mean value basis in the mentioned periods there were magnitudes
defined for the variation of numbers within the basic stocks and the shooting
Comprehensive preparations were necessary to carry out the research that
lasted for 12 years - 5 years during the aggression and 7 years of post war
recovery. For all three game species and three periods mentioned there are
table and graphical data presented. The research was carried through also
during the war period between 1991 and 1995 in spite of many risks, espe