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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/2004 str. 37     <-- 37 -->        PDF

D. Kleiner: MORFOMH [RUSKA ISTRAŽIVANJA ZNAČAJKI LISTA "AMERIČKOGA JAŠI NA" ... Šumarski list br. 9-10. CXXV1I1 (2004), 517-527
Trinajstić , I., J. Franjić , 1996: Listovi kratkoga vodnje mase šumskih ekosustava. Šumarski faplodnoga
izbojka, osnova za morfometrijsku kultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Šumarski institut
analizu hrasta lužnjaka {Quercus robur L., Fa- Jastrebarsko, Zagreb, pp. 169-178.
gaceae). U: Mayer, B. (ur.): Unapređenje proiz-

ZAHVALA - Acknowledgements

Na korisnim savjetima pri statističkoj obradi poda- pomoći prilikom terenskih istraživanja. Bez njihove
taka zahvaljujem doc. dr. se. Anamariji Jazbcc i mr. se. pomoći i poznavanja terena ova bi istraživanja bilo daŽeljku
Škvorc u sa Šumarskoga fakulteta u Zagrebu. leko teže provesti.

Djelatnicima Šumarija Batina, Gunja, Đurđevac,
Dugo Selo i Karlovac dugujem veliku zahvalnost na

SUMMARY: Because of their similar macromorphological characteristics
two American ash species (Fraxinus americana L. and F. pennsylvanica
Marshall) are known in forestry practice in Croatia under common name
"American ash". Based on morphometric research of leaves the "American
ash "from plantations in Croatia was not differentiating in two groups each of
one could he eventually separate species. Also, the trees were not groping per
locality. It can he concluded that there is only one north American ash species
in researched plantations in Croatia. Comparing results of morphometric
researches with data from literature was shown that "American ash " is more
similar to F. pennsylvanica than to F. americana.

Based on all obtained information s the "American ash "from researched
plantations in Croatia was determinated as F. pennsylvanica.
Key w o rds: morphometric ash leaf analysis, claster analysis, principal
component analysis