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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2004 str. 72     <-- 72 -->        PDF

S. Cmković: KVANTITATIVNE 1 KVALITATIVNE OSOBINE ŽIRA HRASTA LUŽNJAKA ... Šumarski list br. 7-8, CXXVIII (2004), 413-430
"Zdenački gaj", part of the forestry unit Grubišno Polje, Management Office

Climatic conditions were in favour of the good pedunculate oak acorn crop
on the surveyed area in 1998, and the average of 518 914pieces or 1 925 kg of
acorn were collected on 1 hectare. 263 431 pieces of the total quantity were
healthy, or 1 197 kg. The share of the visibly healthy acorn in average was
50,89 % (pcs/ha), that is 62,28 % (kg/ha) which shows the need of stricter
quality control at the time of its purchace.

The best crop the surveyed area, per surface, was from the stands of the
Management unit "Bolčanski - Žabljački lug", whose acorn had the biggest
absolute weight and best laboratory germination, and whose plants in the
nursery at the end of the first year, were highest. The biggest share of the visibly
healthy acorn was in the samples coming from the Management unit
"Dugački gaj -Jasenova -Drljež", while the acorn originating from the
Management unit "Česma ", was best preserved during winter. The biggest
nursery germination and the biggest percentage of the plants number at the
end of the first year, was noted for the samples originating from the
Management unit "Čazmanske nizinske šume ".

Samples of the forest of pedunculate oak with the great greenweed in all
measured and observed properties (except in laboratory germination and
acorn width) have shown better than samples originating from forest of
pedunculate oak and common hornbeam.

On the surveyed area the old stands had the best generated with acorn and
they had the biggest nursery germination as well as the percentage number of
plants at the end of the first year. The samples taken from the middle -aged
stands had the biggest share of visibly healthy acorn and their acorn was best
kept during winter, while the samples taken from older stands had the acorn
of the biggest absolute weight, biggest length and best laboratory germination.
At the end of the first year, the plants for those samples, were of the highest
average hight in the nursery.

Over the surveyed area, on the total of 8 236,34 ha of stands of the
Management Class of pedunculate oak older than 50 years, theoretically, out
of the 1998 crop, more than seven thousand oak acorn could have been collected.