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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2004 str. 54     <-- 54 -->        PDF

V. Krejči, T. Dubravac: Ol´l OPNOM SJEČOM OD PANJAČE DO SJEMENJAČE HRASTA CRNIKE ... Šumarski list br. 7-8, CXXVII1 (2004), 405-412
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SUMMARY: This study presents the problems arising from the implementation of
"Regulations " issued in 1994, which stipulate that all coppice woods should be reestablished in a
natural way, on the principle of shelterwood method of cutting. In 1997 an experiment was set up
to transform preserved evergreen oak coppice woods into a higher stand form, namely, into a stable
productive high forest. During the winter of 1996/1997 seed cutting was performed by which
the crown cover over soil was decreased from 85.0 % to 56 %. In the autumn of 1997, after carrying
out summer tending, measurement of young growth showed a satisfactory number of 83 600
seedling plants and ´younger´ young growth of evergreen oak per ha, up to 30 cm in height.
However, already the first year after the cutting and summer tending, numerous stump shoots of
evergreen oak and laurel appeared superior in height, of which 68 % were in the height class over
30 cm.

In the winter of 2000/2001 spacing was carried out for the purpose of assisting development
of evergreen oak young growth from seed, at 32 % intensity by volume of wood, which reduced
crown cover over soil to 49.7 %. In the summer of 2001, tending was performed by removing the
stump shoots of undesirable tree species and shrubs. In the autumn of the same year as much as
38 % (out of 79 250 young trees) of evergreen oak young growth from seed grew into the class
height 31-130 cm.

In the autumn of 2002, following the division of the plot into two parts (A and B), 50 x 50 m in
size, on the excellently reestablished part (B) final felling was performed during the winter
2002/2003, and tending of young growth in midsummer. Measurements in late autumn of 2003,
on the B part, confirmed that in that young high forest 59.8 % of the 140 200 young plants were
in the height class 31—130 cm. The same measurement confirmed a great increase (6 times) in
stump shoots from evergreen oak after the final felling. Such a numerous occurrence of evergreen
oak stump shoots, together with some other undesirable tree species (particularly laurel)
and shrubs, indicates the necessity of further intensive tending. The latest measurement confirmed
the presence of negligible damage inflicted by deer game. Based on experience from previous
investigations, increase in damage could be a limiting factor in the development of young
high forest of evergreen oak, due to the grouping of wildlife on such an attractive feeding area.

The newly established natural high forest of evergreen oak, raised on the principles of shelterwood
method of cutting, will survive only with the continuous and professional control of the
forest ranger.

Approximately thirty-five workdays were needed for tending under crown canopy and after
final felling around forty-five workdays per ha for the tending of a young stand. This demands
considerable financial investment, which is difficult for forestry alone to finance. In view of the
fact that the managed coppice woods of Evergreen Oak, administered by "Hrvatske šume " Ltd.,
Zagreb, cover 10 169 ha, this task will be difficult to accomplish, because of the prescribed rotation
of8o years, in which time these coppice woods would need to be transformed into high forest
by a natural process, on the principle of shelterwood cutting. This would represent a great
professional and financial burden for forestry practice.

Key words: evergreen oak, shelterwood cutting, natural regeneration, highforest, tending