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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2004 str. 16 <-- 16 --> PDF |
I. Pilaš. A. Seletković: ANALIZA REŽIMA PODZEMNIH VODA NAŠIČKIH NIZINSKIH SUMA Šumarski list br. 7-8, CXXVIII (2004), 363-374 According to the distribution of elementary cells in raster maps, two groundwater regimes were distinguished. One characteristic forest area was ascertained in Koska and Đurdenovac, with an average groundwater level of-360 cm, and a second characteristic forest area in Donji Miholjac and Slatina, with an average groundwater level of around -250cm. Relatively high groundwater levels are characteristic for the region surrounding the Karašica River, and relatively low for the area surrounding the Vučica River. A relationship was also found between the structural characteristics of forest stands on the area under consideration, related soil types and the groundwater regime. The drought period in 2000 was significant especially in area of Donji Miholjac, with a decline of the groundwater table of- 133 cm from five years average. Key w o rds: groundwater, monitoring, GRASS GIS SKICA BATERIJE PIEZOMETARA NA JEDNOJ VODOMJERNOJ LOKACIJI (STACIONARU) U NIZINSKIM ŠUMAMA U.Š. NAŠICE (1994) P - 0,5m P-1m P-2,5m p. 7 m ZAŠTITNA CIJEV S POKLOPCEM I LOKOTOM E555SJSS5K1 RAZINA TLA < z * KOTIRANE VELIČINE SU U CENTIMETRIMA (cm) |