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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2004 str. 81 <-- 81 --> PDF |
D. Storga: PRIMJENA GlS-a PRI IZLUČIVANJU SASTOJ1NA PREMA DENDROMETRIJSKIM PARAMETRIMA Šumarski list br. 5 6, CXXVI1I (2004), 287-299 The results of research into possibilities ofGIS application in extracting stands according to dendometric parameters point to the application ofGIS and statistics for the purpose of planning in forestry. Geographical information system is suitable for gathering data from different sources, provided these data are georeferential in order to overlap unambiguously. Data obtained in this way provide a basis for future planning in forest management, and they can also be supplemented. Data obtained by statistical analysis can also be shown spatially and used in stand differentiation, taking into account forest management regulations. With the help ofGIS we can also plan management on smaller areas (I ha) and determine certain activities (marking trees, felling, filling up blanks, and others) in each area. Carrying out the required tasks (forest-growing works, felling, etc.), regulated by the Forest Management Plan becomes very easy and quick when using the data obtained with the use ofGIS and the measuring for each area. With the establishment ofGIS can relieve a forester of dull and tedious work, leaving him with more time for other tasks. Key words: forests measuring, stand extraction, GIS, cluster analysis. 299 |