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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2004 str. 26     <-- 26 -->        PDF

A. P. B. Krpan, T. PorSinsky: DJELOTVORNOST STROJNE SJEČE I IZRADE U SASTOJINAMA Šumarski list br. 5 6. CXXV1M (2004), 233-244
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SUMMARY: This paper shows the results of research of machine felling
and processing carried out by Timberjack 127 0B Harvester in a 23-year old
willow culture. The volume of the mean felling tree was 0.5 m3, and diameter
at breast height 25 cm. The felling density was 633 trees/ha. Thick undergrowth
layer is made of bird cherry, black elder, common dogwood and glossy
buckthorn. The harvester s operation was monitored for 6 working days
(54.11 h), and during that time 1825 trees were felled and 949.1 m3 of roundwood
was processed.
The mean diameter of technical roundwood is 29 cm, the length is 4.5 m
and the volume 0.30 m . The mean diameter of pulpwood is 17 cm, the mean
length is 4 m and the mean volume 0.11 m3. The computer system Timberjack
3000 was calibrated before the operation started. The preset minimum sizes
were entered (diameter at the thinner end with bark and length) of first class
saw logs (27 cm, 2.5 m), second class saw logs (22 cm, 2.5 m) and pulpwood
(7 cm, 4 m). The results confirmed that the dimensions of the processed assortments
do not vary from the preset values.
Delay times of 52.7 % and effective time of 47.3 % of the total recorded
time were established by time study. With such a time ratio, the harvester
achieved an efficiency of 17.5 m3/h or 34 trees/h, consuming a total of 3.42
min/m3. The average consumption of effective time is 1.62 min/m3. Felling
and processing account for 66.1 %, hydraulic crane idling for 17.8%, undergrowth
cleaning for 12.8 %, and harvester moving at the felling site for 3.3%
of effective time. Allowance time was 30.9 %> of effective time.
The values of standard time and harvester productivity have been investigated
by regression analysis and fitted by exponential curve with a very
strong correlation. In doing so, it has been established that 84 %> of productivity
and standard time variability can be explained by the influence of the trees
diameter at breast height.
Key words: machine felling, Timberjack 127 0B, clear cut of willowculture,