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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2004 str. 14     <-- 14 -->        PDF

N. Pcrnar, .1. Vukelić. D. Bakšić. D. Baričević: PRILOG POZNAVANJU GENEZE I SVOJSTAVA TLA ... Šumarski list br. 5-6. CXXV1II (2004), 223-232
and black poplar (Topuletum nigro-albae Slavn. 1952) and the forest of
spreading elm and narrow-leaved ash (Traxino-Ulmetum laevis Slav. 1952).
The pedogenesis of the study area is characterised by distinct effects of the
Danube hydrological regime. As a rule, the soil texture is of loamy to sandy
character. Only in micro-relief depressions away from the riverbed (mostly in
the surface part) may the texture be somewhat heavier (clayey loam to light
clay). A characteristic feature of the soil in this region is a prominent texture
stratigraphy. Apart from alluviation as a geological andpedogenetic process,
these forest ecosystems are characterised by high organic production, which
is sporadically significantly manifested in pedosphere humisation. The dominant
soil type was found to be fluvisol, regularly carbonate, while gleysol and
humofluvisol are represented to a much lesser degree.
All these three soil types differ from one another in terms of ecological production.
It should be pointed out that ecological-productive differences within
one type are in some cases much larger than among the types, which is closely
connected to the features of the water regime properties and the texture.
From the aspect of pedotaxonomic nomenclature, in our view it is not necessary
to-classify some soils from the alluvial plain into a separate type. This
refers to humofluvisols with a shallow A-horizon. An approach to the WRB
classification seems to be a better solution, according to which the majority of
such soils are classified into a group offluvisols (except those with the A-horizon
thicker than 25 cm).
Key words: Baranja riparian forests, fluvisol, humofluvisol, pedophysiograph
icfea tares