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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/2004 str. 27     <-- 27 -->        PDF

V. Krejči, T. Dubravac: PROBLEMI OBNOVE ŠUMA HRASTA LUŽNJAKA {Quereus robur L.) ... Šumarski list br. 3-4, CXXVI1I (2004), 119-126
LITERATURA - References

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Studija, 1-128, Zagreb. Jastrebarsko.

Dubravac , T., V. Novotny , 1992: Metodologija Perić , S., 1998: Istraživanje sastojine hrasta lužnjaka
tematskog područja uzgajanje šuma - rast i pri(
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Matić , S., 1996: Hrast lužnjak (Quereus robur L.) u Osnova gospodarenja G. j . "Rečički lugovi"
Hrvatskoj, 167-212, Vinkovci-Zagreb. 1994.-2003.

SUMMARY: Today, at a time of widespread disruption of forest ecosystems,
in particular in the lowland forests, the need has arisen for study and
research on development of particular structural elements in stands.

In this study we investigated the development course of Peduncled oak
young growth during seed cutting and immediately after completion, in a
forest of Peduncled oak and Genisto elatae with caricetosum brizoides
fGenisto elatae-Quercetum roboris caricetosum brizoides/ Investigations
were carried out in a pure Peduncled oak stand of preserved structure in the
area of the "Karlovac" Forest Office, Management Unit "Rečički lugovi",
compartment 16a. In the course of eight years, from 1996 to 2003, the development
course of Peduncled oak young growth was monitored with regard
to soil influence, stand structure, appearance of shrubs and herbaceous
plants, voles and deer game.

We determined in which period a particular factor of that forest ecosystem
has an effect on natural reforestation. Tending and protection of the
Peduncled oak young growth commenced at the right time with its appearance
under the crown cover and continued until its transformation into the
developmental stage of ´older´young growth, after seed cuttings had been

The soil type is hypogley carbonaceous on heavy clay, which, according to
the percental contents of humus, belongs to a highly humus soil. Under a 4-5
cm thick spongy layer of inert matter raw humus there is a highly acid A horizon
(pH in water 4.1), 5-8 cm thick.

According to Braun-Blanquet the degree of soil cover with Carex brizoides
amounted to 4.5. The mass of ground vegetation in fresh state amounted
to 7.298 to 7.945 kg per hectare.