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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2004 str. 68     <-- 68 -->        PDF

M. Stojković: PRILOG TEHNOLOGIJI GAŽENJA ŠUMSKIH POŽARA Šumarski list br. 1-2. CXXV111 (2004), 63-66

Margaletić , J., M. Margaletić , 2003: Požari u l.htm

šumi i na šumskom zemljištu kao čimbenici ww w hrvatski vojnik, hr/hrvatski vojnik/73200/pozar

degradacije zemljišta. Šumarski list broj 9-10, l.asp.

475^182, Zagreb. ww w fire un j _ frdbur g de/ifm/country/id/id _34htm
Oluić, M., D. Oluić, 2000: Kartiranje korištenja ww w fire. uni ^freiburg. de/iffn/tech/tech 2.htm
vegetacije po Conna programu. Šumarski list,
broj 5-6, 269-281, Zagreb.

SUMMARY: In forest fire fighting, which burn on our coast every year on
the surface of about 2000 hectares, we tried to present the contribution to tecnology
of forest fire extinguishing. For critics itself,it would be necessary to
have data available, as we don ´ t have them at our disposal. We still consider
that we are not satisfied with present technology application of forestfireextin¬
guishing. This is confirmed by a great number of big fires that were difficult to
extinguish, which made a alot of damages. We can´t stop beginning the fires,
but it is necessary to work steadily on its decreasing. We gave our contribution
to our proper knowledge with confirmation how does it function all over the
world. Today, in fores fire fighting the key for success or efective extinguishing
is a prompt communication about the initial fire arisen and its fast extinguish¬
ing. It s necessary to make preparations and extinguish the initialfires by small
quick aircrafts that carry 1000-2000 litres of water and foam (repelents).
There are several types of these planes in our country and in the world. Fast
extinguishing can be also done by fire brigades, but only in zones of quick
action (see preparations). We also gave survey of some means for fire extin¬
guishing, which are used in the world, and can be also used in our country.
There are also patents that are at our disposal, but we don´t use them.