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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2004 str. 42     <-- 42 -->        PDF

R. Križanec: ANALIZA USTROJA I PRIMJENE "NORMALA" ZA GOSPODARENJE ŠUMAMA ... Šumarski list br. 1-2. CXXVIII (2004), 21-40
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SUMMARY: At the beginning of the millennium we passed from the epoch of single-
purpose into the epoch of multi-purpose forest management. Forest economy requires
that a forest as a natural wealth and an economic resource permanently satisfy growing
needs of the society (multiple use). This overall requirement may be satisfied only by a
forest of optimal form and sustainable growth.

During scientific research of many years into the most favourable management proce¬
dures relating to the conversion afforests stands of selection silvicultural form into an
optimal condition, prognostic models of sustainable development and management have
been created based on the principles of imitating the nature.

Two Croatian systems of optimal models - normal models may be applied to manage¬
ment of selection forests. Both systems are identical in purpose - to convert a degraded
real condition into a normal (optimal) condition, but different in organisational elements
and conversion procedures. Normal models by Ecological Management Types (EMT)
have been constructed to convert forests in terms of forest types and subtypes, while the
New System normal model is based on site classes.

The analysis of the organisation of both systems has shown that certain elements of
constructing EMT normal models are not compatible with the age structure of trees in
selection stands. In optimising the scientifically objectively selected forest types and sub¬
types, the time elements of the construction: rotation, diagonal age (average) increment,
absolute maturity, stand cutting maturity determined by the data in the corresponding
growth-yield (GY) tables, as well as natural site productivity expressed by unified normal
tree series, are questionable in terms of application. The disputable construction ele¬
ments stem from the basic postulate of the system - identifying trees with stand maturity which
is debatable due to differences in the developmental dynamics of diameter and age
structures, and consequently determining stand maturity of even-aged stands in relation
to tree maturity of stands of selection silvicultural form.

The paper presents scientific insights into theoretically debatable elements of optimi¬
sation by applying EMT normal models (partially of empirical origin) and proposes a
solution and objective application.