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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/2004 str. 12     <-- 12 -->        PDF

1. Trinajstić: FITOCENOLOŠKO-S1NTAKSONOMSKA ANALIZA ASOCIJACIJE Hacguetio-h´agetum ... Šumarski list br. 1-2. CXXVI11 (2004), 3-11
Vukelić , J., D. Baričević , 2002: Novije fitoceno- Nomenclature, 3th. ed. J. Veg. Sci. 11: 739-768.

loške spoznaje o bukovim šumama u Hrvatskoj. Willner, W., 2001: Neue Erkentnisse zur Systematik

Sum. list 126 (9-10): 439-457. de r Buchenwalder. Linzer Biol. Beitr. 33 (O.¬
Weber, H. E., J. Moravec, J., J. P. Theurillat, 527-560.
2000: International Code of Phytosociological

SUMMARY: Kroatian botanist Ivo Horvat was made the first systematic
phytocoenological and syntaxonomic research afforest vegetation in Croatia
was made by the botanist Ivo Horvat, who published the results of his
research in what can be said today a classical work "Biljnosociološka istraži¬
vanja šuma u Hrvatskoj" (Horvat 1938). Horvat ecompassed ali Croatian
beech forests, phytocoenologycally by a unique association "Fagetum croat¬
icum ", and that within this association he distinguished two main complexes

"Fagetum ´silvaticae´ croaticum boreale " and "Fagetum ´silvaticae´ croaticum
australe ". In the first complex the same author distinguishes several subassociations
"Fagetum croaticum subas. montanum - lathyretosum and corydaletosum",
and "Fagetum croaticum subas. abietetosum ". In the second complex,
according to the orographic principle, he distinguishes the pure beech forests —
"Fagetum croaticum (australe) montanum and subalpunum" and the mixed
beech-fir forests - "Fagetum croaticum (australe^ subas. abietetosum". The
mixed beech-fir forests thus happened to be within two complexes (partly
"boreale ", partly "australe "). Ho rvat generally did not change thisfirstcon¬
cept of the Croatian beech forest phytocoenological division any more, he just
completed it slightly (cf. I. Horvat 1950) by separating a special subassociation
of "littoral beech forests " "Fagetum croaticum seslerietosum ". Finally,
it is to be noted that Horvat´s name for the beech forests "Fagetum sylvaticae
croaticum " has been changed quite illegitimately into "Fagetum illyricum "
(cf. Horvat et al 1974).

As in the course of time, namely in the first half and especially in the second
half of the 20th century, a considerable attention was being paid to the phyto¬
coenological research of pure beech forests and the mixed beech-fir forests, it
was evident that the "classical" Horvat s concept will not be able to survive.

The biggest syntaxonomic changes happened to the pure beech forests des¬
ignated by H o r v a t (1938) as "Fagetum croaticum boreale ". Thefirstattempt
of revision was made by Košir (1962, 1979, Borhidi 1963, 1965). Of se¬
veral associations f´Querco-Fagetum, Hacquetio-Fagetum, ´Ennaeaphyllo´-
Fagetum, ´Savensi´-Fagetum, Arunco-Fagetum^, that at first were named only
(cf. Košir 1962) and later analyzedsyntaxonomically more in detail (Košir
1979), special attention has been attracted by the association Hacquetio-Fa¬
getum, reported for Croatia under this name for the first time by Trinajstić
(1995), and discussed more in detail recently by Vukelić & Baričević
(2002). It was necessary to present the floristic composition of the ass.
Hacquetio-Fagetum from Croatia in the form of an analytical table, too.
Finally, it was also necessary in terms of the numenclature to make correction
of the very name of the ass. Hacquetio-Fagetum in compliance with the valid
nomenclatural codes (B a r km a n et al. 1986, Weber et al. 2002). The name
of the said association should be corrected into Hacquetio-Fagetum Košir
(1962) 1979.

The ass. Hacquetio-Fagetum has been analyzed floristically on several
sites in northwestern Croatia (Velika Kapela, Samoborsko gorje, Cesargradska
gora, Brezovica, Ivanščica), in the very area where the highest concentra¬
tion of relict, illyricoidal elements was recorded (cf. Trinajstić 1992,