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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2003 str. 90     <-- 90 -->        PDF

.1. Domac: ENERGETSKO ZAKONODAVSTVO ZA KORIŠTENJE ŠUMSKE BIOMASE ... Šumarski list br. 11-12, CXXVI1 12003). 609-616

gy, White Paper for a Community Strategy and tion of the use of biofuels or other renewable

Action Plan, COM(97) 599, Final, November fuels for transport, Official Journal L 123.

1997. [8] Proposal for a Directive of the European Parlia-

[4] Communication from the Commission to the Coun- ment and of the Council on the Promotion of the

cil, the European parliament, the Economic and Use of Biofuels for Transport, 2001/0265

Social Committee and the Committee of the Re- (COD).

gions on the Implementation of the Community [9] proposal for a Council Directive Amending Direc-

Strategy and Action Plan on Renewable Energy tjve 92/81/EEC with Regard to the Poossibility

Sources (1998-2000), COM(2001) 69 Final. 0f Applying a Reduced Rade of Excise Duty on

[5] Green paper Towards a European strategy for the se- Certain Mineral Oils Containing Biofuels and

curity of energy supply, COM(2000) 769 Final. on Biofuels, 2001/0266 (CNS).

[6] Communication from the Commision to the Euro- [10] Directive 2001/77/EC on the promotion of the

pean Parliament, the Council, the Economic and electricity produced from renewable energy

Social Committee and the Committee of the Re- source in the international electricity market,

gions on Alternative fuels for Road Transporta- Official Journal L 283.

tion and on a Set of Measures to Promote the [jj] Draft Directive on the promotion of cogeneration

Use of Biofuels, COM(2001) 547 Final. based on a useful heat demand in the internal

[7] Directive 2003/30/EC of the European Parliament energy market. COM(2002)415.
and of the Council of 8 May 2003 on the promo-

SUMMARY: Developed countries experiences, which successfully conducted
biomass use programmes and with significant share ofbiomass in total energy supply
show that a complex and detailed national framework is crucial. Basic parts of
that framework are legislation, organization of different institutions participation,
defined aims, clear strategy and leaders of each activity, economical aspects and
factors analysis as well as stimulating measures definition and implementation.

In the past biomass had never taken an important place in the energy policy of
the Republic of Croatia. However, the recent changes in the markets of grid-based
energy systems, which include privatisation and restructuring of the whole energy
sector, are going to significantly affect the possibility of introducing bioenergy and
its enhanced utilization. The Croatian energy policy is today directed towards
increased efficiency, security of supply and diversification, market deregulation,
and the use of renewables and environmental protection. The government launched
a number of National Energy Programmes in order to reach the goals of the energy
policy, one of which (BIOEN) is directly aimed at biomass and waste utilization.

After the ratification of the new energy legislation in July 2001, the last two years
were dedicated to the demanding task of elaborating numerous legislative documents,
which precisely define all instruments of the state policy as regards bioenergy
and other renewable energy sources (RES). Energy Law foresees the elaboration of
RES regulations that would define their rights and obligations, price for the energy
delivered (feed-in tariffs), as well as other forms of incentive mechanisms. It should
be stressed that this Law, for the first time in Croatia, specifically articulates the positive
attitude of the Republic of Croatia toward renewable energy sources, thus representing
a small but significant shift in view of a positive message to the investors
interested. A key step as regards the legislative treatment of RES is also included in
the Law on Electricity Market, which establishes the legislative obligation of electric
energy purchase generated from renewable energy sources. The quota, i.e. the minimum
RES share for the energy entity supplying electric energy as a public service,
will be determined by a special direction of the Croatian Government.

This paper describes the overall legal framework in Croatia and gives an
overview of relevant EC Directives and documents.

Key words: legislation, bioenergy, renewables