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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2003 str. 82     <-- 82 -->        PDF

I. Božičcvić. M. Radočaj: ŠUMARSTVO SLUNJSKOG KRAJA Šumarski liši hr. II 12. (XXVII CPO.M. 5´)7-«)8

SUMMARY: The topic deals with historical, social, cultural, organisational,
economic, scientific, research and other activities in the region of
Slunj spanning a period from the arrival of Croats in these parts to the present
time. It focuses particularly on the activities related to forests and forestry
in the region.

The topic has been divided into two parts:

The first part covers the history of the Croatian people, their settling in
these areas and the conditions of that period, the formation of dukedoms and
small states up to King Tomislav, as well as the break-up of the kingdom, the
Croatian-Hungarian kingdom to Turkish onslaughts on these regions, the
defence against the Turks, the dukes of Frankopans, the Military Border
region, the Slunj regiment and income municipalities up to the end of the
Second World War in 1945.