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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2003 str. 69     <-- 69 -->        PDF

A. Tomašević, B. Kulic. /.. Spanjol, T. Kružić: RAZVOJ SASTOJINE I MELIORATIVNA ULOGA KULTURK ... Šumarski list br. 11 - 12, CXXVII (2003), 579-596

assumed that this is a colder region made up of the community of pubescent
oak and hop hornbeam (Ostryo-Quercetum pubescentis /Ht/ Trinajstić 1997).

The culture is situated at an altitude of 230 -275 m. The plot in question is
at an altitude of 260 - 265 m. The structural data from the studied plot are as

The first measurement of 1969 recorded 426 healthy trees. The next measurement
in 1975 recorded 404 healthy trees and 22 dead trees, while the
measurement in 1983 revealed 399 healthy trees and 5 dead ones. In the last
measurement in 1993, there were 323 healthy trees and 28 dead trees.

These data show that in the period 1969 - 1993, the number of healthy
trees dropped by 105 individuals. In the same period 55 dead trees were
recorded. During the period between the first and the last measurement, 77
trees, for which accurate data of their history is missing, disappeared from
the experimental plot. Since there is an overhead transmission line passing
along the edge of the stand, it is assumed that a certain number of trees were
cut during its erection, while some trees died.

The number of trees per hectare was as follows: in 1969 there were 856
trees, in 1975 there were 852 trees, in 1983 there were 808 trees and in 1993
there were 702 trees.

It is noted that in each measurement the basal area was increased regardless
of the fact that the number of trees decreased. The total basal area per
hectare was as follows: in 1969 it was 43.08 nr, in 1975 it was 45.42 nr, in
1,983 it was 48.50 42 nr, and in 1993 it was 54.30 nr.

The data relating to the volume show the following production per
hectare: in 1969 it was 236,324 m\ in 1975 it was 246,436 m\ in 1983 it was
269,086 m\ and in 1993 it was 315,026 m\

During the entire observed period, the culture achieved the highest volume
production of 45.94 mVha in the last decade. During the last measurement, 28
dead trees with a total volume of 12,755 m3 were registered in the experimental

Since this is the culture of black pine in which no new trees occurred
between the measurements, the increment equals the differences in the volume
between individual measurements. Accordingly, the increment was as follows:
in 1969 - 1975 it was 10.12 mVha, in 1975 - 1983 it was 22.65 mVha,
and in 1983 -1993 it was 45.94 m´/ha.

The absence of Croatian normal models and yield tables for the cultures of
black pine does not allow comparisons with some optimal parameters. For
this reason, certain treatments and decisions will be applied on the basis of
the real condition and the appearance of the culture in the field.

The mean plot tree has a breast diameter of 31 cm, and the culture is
98 - 105 years old. The analysis of five model trees shows that the mean plot
tree achieved different heights ranging from 10.10 m to 13.10 m.

The culmination of the height increment occurred between 10 and 15 years
of age and reached 0.33 m.

The current diameter increment ranged from 0.95 - 1.01 cm for individual
analysed trees, with the culmination also taking place between 10 - 15 years
of age.

The culmination of the volume increment occurred at the age of 32 on
average for all five trees and amounted to 0.00596 m3.

The period of maturity occurred at the age of 54.

Manna ash (Traxinus ornusj is the most represented tree (16,000 - 39,000
plants/ha) in all height classes. A higher number of pubescent oaks (Quercus