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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2003 str. 52     <-- 52 -->        PDF

M. Starčević: UTJECAJ OBORINSKE, POPLAVNE I PODZEMNE VODE NA RAZVOJ SASTOJINA ... Šumarski list br. 11-12, CXXVII (2003). 561-578

SUMMARY: Water, whether in the form of groundwater, floodwater or precipitation,
is the most important ecological factor which has a decisive role in
the survival and development of forests of pedunculate oak. Changes in moisturising
intensity of any of these waters cause changes in the conditions to
which these forests have adapted over thousands of years. These changes
always have an adverse impact on their stability, productivity and the possibility
of natural regeneration.

Man with his powerful influence on the plant cover frequently interrupts
or changes the natural plant growth, disturbs natural conditions and causes
significant changes in the plant cover. The impact of man on these forests is
very important in terms of their quality and survival. Intensive interventions
in the water regime within or in the vicinity of these forests have changed ecological
conditions, which has led to dieback, an altered stand structure and
aggravated regeneration.

The area of the management unit "Česma" is one of the typical sites of
pedunculate oak in Croatia, where dieback of pedunculate oak has taken root.
The regulation of the river Cesma has changed its natural flow considerably
and has created long and straight beds, while the old meandering flow has
remained in the forest and in clearings as a meander retaining water.

Using all available documentation for the management unit "Cesma"
(managementplans, phytocoenological maps, flood maps, data on dead trees,
data on hydro-technical operations), data on climate from the meteorological
station Čazma, as well as all works published by the scientists from the
Faculty of Forestry and Forestry Institute in Jastrebarsko, the impact of precipitation,
flood and groundwater on the development of stands in the forest
complex "Česma " has been studied.

Key words: precipitation, flood, groundwater, piezometer, phytocoenological
record, community of pedunculate oak, management unit "Česma ",
present conditions of forests, past condition, changes, stand structure, ecological
indicators, multi-dimensional scaling, forest dieback.