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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2003 str. 33     <-- 33 -->        PDF

M. Idžojtić, R. Pernar, Ž. Kauzlarić, M. Abramović. D. Janković, M. Pleše: INTENZITET ZARAZE ... Šumarski list br. II 12. CXXVII {2003). 545-33^

and Skrad (49 %), whereas in the forest office Delnice a little more than a half
(52 %) of the examined trees is infested with mistletoe. The highest percentage
of infested trees was found in the forest office Vrbovsko (63 %).

In more favorable living conditions for silver fir trees mistletoe would be a
part ofbiocenosis, and its presence would not represent a special problem to
the host. According to the present state of distribution and intensity of infestation
mistletoe can be considered one of the unfavorable biotic factors for silver
fir trees.

Based on the distribution of infested and non-infested fir trees in degrees
of damage from 0 (healthy trees) to 4 (dead trees) it was noted that mistletoe
appears on physiologically weakened trees. The more mistletoe bushes there
are on a tree, the more stress there is for the host tree under its influence due
to lack of water; the tree weakens additionally under the influence of a combination
of other unfavorable factors, it becomes non-resistant to secondary
parasites and illnesses, and it can even die. The fact is important that with the
increase of infestation intensity in an area, there is the trend of mistletoe
spreading on less damaged silver fir trees, and it can be presumed that these
trees will be in a greater degree of damage in the near future.

Key words: Viscum albums, ssp. abietis (Wiesb.) Abrom., Abies alba
Mill., intensity of infestation, degree of damage, Croatian Forests Co. Ltd.,
Forest Administration Delnice