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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/2003 str. 18     <-- 18 -->        PDF

I. Vukelic, D. Barićc\ić. D. Drvenkar: FITOCEKOI.OSKF. KARAKTERISTIKE BUKOVIH SUMA ... Šumarski list br. 11-12, CXXV1I (2003), 531-544

The community oflllyrian beech forest contains two different variants: the
typical and the more thermophilic one. The more thermophilic variant grows
on steep sunny slopes and a shallower soil, whereas the typical variant occurs
in more humid and colder conditions. Some more prominent differentiating
species of the more thermophilic variant include Acer obtusatum, Farxinus
ornus, Ligustrum vulgare, Melica uniflora, Carex flacca and Convallaria

The community Lamio orvalae-Fagetum sylvaticae deviates from its typical
composition in the central Dinaric part of Croatia primarily by a smaller
number oflllyrian species. Therefore, more detailed research is necessary in
this respect.

Beech forests with hop hornbeam occur over the most exposed, steep,
southern slopes on top parts of ridges. They cover small areas and make a
very abrupt transition into the Illyrian montane beech forest. They are characterised
by thermophilic species of the order Quercetalia pubsecentis.

Beech forests with woodrush inhabit steep areas on shallow, acid soil.
They are characterised by acidophilic species of the alliance Luzulo-Fagion,
The only accompanying species in the tree layer and the shrub layer, apart
from the beech, is sweet chestnut.

Beech forests with hard fern are characterised by even harsher growth
conditions than beech forests with woodrush, by acidophilic species of the
alliance Luzulo-Fagion and especially by the species Blechnum spicant,
Gentiana asclepiadea, Pteridium aquilinum and Leucobrium glaucum, which
give this phytocoenosis a transitional character towards acidophilic coniferous
forests (alliance Vaccionio-Piceion/

Interestingly, no beech forest with Hacquetia (Hacquetio-Fagetum Kosir
1962) have been observed and identified in the studied area. This forest was
studied in detail by Kosir on Gorjanci- an area adjacent to Samoborsko
Gorje-in 1979.